Recent content by Derhamo

  1. Derhamo

    Using cascading combo boxes and forms to filter data

    Not sure if this illustration helps but I find it easier to see it visually and then connect the dots 😊
  2. Derhamo

    Using cascading combo boxes and forms to filter data

    Ah I think I see what you meant with the subforms. However, I don't want them to act as data entry points, purely just read only lists. I may just not be understanding correctly!
  3. Derhamo

    Using cascading combo boxes and forms to filter data

    Hi @mike60smart, sure thing. So on one form I would Select Combo box 1to choose a brand. Combo box 2 then populates with the models relating to that brand with the cascade idea. From that I need to have something that shows all of the components relating to that model. The way I was hoping to...
  4. Derhamo

    Using cascading combo boxes and forms to filter data

    Thaks @isladogs! I think I can get to grips with the cascading combo boxes. I now have them populating with the values I want. I think it is now a question of how I translate that into a query that produces a subform table with entries filtered out based on my above briefs.
  5. Derhamo

    Using cascading combo boxes and forms to filter data

    Thanks! I hope what I have so far is on the right lines! Thoughts since my original post are: 2 separate forms - First to search for brand then model (using Combo box 1 and 2) and produce a subform that uses the check box entries in tblModels to produce a subform, which is a filtered...
  6. Derhamo

    Using cascading combo boxes and forms to filter data

    Hi all, I’m pretty new to Access but not too shabby with Excel! I am hoping this is a simple query, but hoping someone can help me! I am using an arbitrary context to help simplify. I have a form that will be used to pull data in the following way: Combo box 1: Car Make (eg BMW) Combo box 2...
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