Recent content by dibblermail

  1. D

    Solved Interface seems dumbed down

    It's all right, I was thrown sideways by it saying 2007 at the top. Now that I've watched a 2017 video it makes much more sense. Thanks to everyone that took the time to reply, much appreciated.
  2. D

    Solved Interface seems dumbed down

    so the "2007" showing on mine at the top of the window is the file format?
  3. D

    Solved Interface seems dumbed down

    Hi, this seems like a stupid question, but... I'm building my first attempts at a database and when watching videos I've noticed an obvious difference. Where's the rest of the icons on my version? As you can see below, I don't have anywhere near the same number of icons to choose from & we...
  4. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    Thanks for all the replies. I'm still at the stage of not knowing what the right questions are, let alone the right answers. Thanks for being patient with me. Every time I think I'm close I find another layer of issues; but that's to be expected. What I posted was a first go to see if I could...
  5. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    Me again, I've hit a stupid issue. I wanted a dummy run at building a few linked tables & forms but its going wrong. Its got to be a simple fix, but I'm not sure what it is. When I have a form with more than 1 table (linked tables) it becomes read only & only shows 1 record. Forms for the...
  6. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    Thanks, That looks to do everything I would need to control the basic combo boxes I have. I'll have a play.
  7. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    Using an additional field for CategoryType to put them all in 1 table is the fix I was looking for. It was mentioned above but got forgotten in the volume of information I'm trying to absorb. Thanks for the nudge in the right direction.
  8. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    Another quick question. Data validation best practice. How would you control a Combo box to show a known list of values? Do I create a table for each combo box? Most need to be lists which are occasionally edited by an end user In excel I had them all in 1 sheet as Named Tables
  9. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    That's exactly what I was trying to convey. Thanks for confirming I did have the right approach. I have quite a few situations where that will apply.
  10. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    It's primary role is to track Job Contact info, Site info, Job progress & money. It's secondary role is as a repository of jobs we didn't win & jobs we have completed. The main MI out the back shows... Current Quoted jobs & their progress Current live jobs & their progress Jobs to be invoiced...
  11. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    A quick question. I have several Fields that are on the face of it an integer. But I also need a "TBC" solution. I do this in excel by setting the values as text so I can trap the TBC values & kill all Cells/Text Boxes that show calculated values based on those TBC values. How would you...
  12. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    Yes, I totally understand the logic, thanks for clarifying. I would keep site notes with the Job No for that exact scenario.
  13. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    I looked at it again & thought maybe I should have split out the Site specific info into it's own table. It's unusual, but we have worked at the same site for different clients before. Does that make more sense?
  14. D

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    Yes, I can see how that would work using an extra field to identify where that person fits in the structure. Client Contact, Arch, etc
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