Recent content by Eugene-LS

  1. Eugene-LS

    About YouTube slowdown in Russia.

    Otherwise, forget it. I guess I'm the only Russian here. .... Democracy is a great thing! Come home and give your paycheck to the cockroaches (they have a majority of votes). ;)
  2. Eugene-LS

    Calculated field in form from another table

    Try: vba access DSum
  3. Eugene-LS

    About YouTube slowdown in Russia.

    For example: I can't open and listen to the clip: But the same in rutube (!!!): ... The iron wall again? That's what I'm talking about.
  4. Eugene-LS

    About YouTube slowdown in Russia.

    Everything is allowed, but YouTube is slowed down so that you can't watch the videos (in RF).
  5. Eugene-LS

    About YouTube slowdown in Russia.

    This is just a “humorous addition” to my post so that those reading it won't be so sad to read it.
  6. Eugene-LS

    About YouTube slowdown in Russia.

    - “The head of the Duma Committee on Information Policy Alexander Khinshtein ...” It's already funny! There is no such word as “information policy”, and there can't be. No one can decide what information I can watch and what I can't. Otherwise I'm a slave. I defiantly don't consider myself one...
  7. Eugene-LS

    Solved Command button on Report to export to excel

    One way more (using msoFileDialog): With Application.FileDialog(4) '4 = msoFileDialogFolderPicker .Title = "BrowseForFolder" .InitialFileName = Environ("UserProfile") & "\Documents" .Filters.Clear .Show If .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then...
  8. Eugene-LS

    Custom Sequential Number with Year-Numbers-One Letter

    If your values luck like "24-008765-T" - you have to take the number from the fourth character, not the second. It should be only 6 characters, not all of them as you have. Mid(StudentNo, 2) <> Mid(StudentNo, 4, 6) ... :) Mid() Function Me.StudentNo = Right(Year(Date), 2) & "-" & _...
  9. Eugene-LS

    DSum isn't updating from subform

    Try on AfterUpdate event of SubForm Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate() If FormHasParent(Me) Then Me.Parent.Form.YourUboundTextBox.Requery End If End Sub Private Function FormHasParent(objForm As Form) As Boolean ' Checking that the form, at the moment, is displayed as subform...
  10. Eugene-LS

    Solved Form Properties "Order By" and "Filter By" retains parameters.

    First set form properties FilterOnLoad and OrderByOnLoad to = False Try code for OnClose Event: Private Sub Form_Close() 'OnClose Event Me.Filter = "" Me.FilterOnLoad = False Me.OrderBy = "" Me.OrderByOnLoad = False End Sub
  11. Eugene-LS

    32 bit to 64 bit?

    If you want - post your application here (without confidential data) - I will check it under MS Access 2021 x64
  12. Eugene-LS

    32 bit to 64 bit?

    I agree with you, but most MS Access applications do without it. Reinstalling ODBC and OleDB drivers is a matter of minutes.
  13. Eugene-LS

    32 bit to 64 bit?

    If you don't use API functions - it will work properly at once. If API functions are not adapted for x64 - you will have to adapt them.
  14. Eugene-LS

    Join expression not supported in join query Access

    Maybe the "KPI_qryMain" query outputs the "UserID" field twice Check it out
  15. Eugene-LS

    Solved Sub Form Requery a Query from another form

    It occurs on FormLoad procedure ... event when a form is loading
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