Recent content by Foster2019

  1. F

    Taking a plunge into a different software decade

    There's no difference between 32bit and 64bit versions of office, in terms of user experience, layout etc. However, 64bit office can only work on a computer with a 64bit processor. 32bit office will work on both, 32bit and 64bit computers. If you have a 64bit computer though, you should really...
  2. F

    Coronavirus - Good News

    Heads up, the video contains bad language. I feel like we should all adopt this as a temporary national anthem. I'm doing my part for the UK. Are you? ;-)
  3. F

    The pitfalls of VBA proficiency

    I always go with the method I think first. Trying to do something I know should work in theory, and sticking to it even if half way through I've thought of a quicker or easier way. Is how I've learned to do most of the things in Access. Once completed, I try the other way to. I think that's...
  4. F

    Database Bloat

    Thanks people, Yes Isladogs, that’s the article I mentioned, I should have posted a link. It had been a long day and I wasn’t really thinking. :( I agree it’s a weird setup, The primary key represents people and the columns are time slots, the code checks the column to see if the person is...
  5. F

    Database Bloat

    Hi people, So I read an article posted by theDBguy on 11-03-2018 about database bloat, and I think the conclusion was that append queries and make table queries both cause similar size bloat, and that make table queries where faster. My questions are, If I have a table with several columns...
  6. F

    Hi People

    Thanks for the warm welcome people, and for posting those links NauticalGent. I was reading the third book of 'The 100' series but it’s going to have to wait until I finish that pdf file you sent :) I'm watching those YouTube videos now, it’s great to finally find a place where people discuss...
  7. F

    Hi People

    Hi people, I picked up a book called ‘Database Design for Mere Mortals’ because it sounded cool, then started playing around with Microsoft Access. I gave myself a couple of projects, the first being a BMI calculator / weight convertor, it didn’t require any tables. Trying to find out more...
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