Recent content by Freddie b

  1. F

    Union query

    This thing that I am trying to do is a database for accounting of purchases and sales. it is a table with approximately 700 account names. I have 5 forms with subforms (eg payment, payment detail) etc. One form for purchase, one for sale, for payment and 1 for cashing. the amount of the...
  2. F

    Union query

    I have a access union query on multiple queries (about 25), but it runs very slow even with 2-3 rows/each query. What can do in this case
  3. F

    multi criteria DSum

    Hi, have you a e mail? i tray to send you the file
  4. F

    multi criteria DSum

    Nothing again!
  5. F

    multi criteria DSum

    First of all thank you for your help, I wrote this =Nz(DSum("[SASIA]","hyrje per log cmim mes","[PRODUCT H NAME]=" & [PRODUCT D NAME] & " and[DATA]<=#" & Format([ forms!FATURE SHITJE!DAT SH],"mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"),0) where [PRODUCT D NAME] is in sub form where i am writing and forms!FATURE...
  6. F

    multi criteria DSum

    Can I write a DSum function in query, with two criteria? that is, I want to collect quantities according to products from the beginning of the year to a certain date which is the date field in a form. I am trying to do a thing like this: =DSum("[qty]","salestbl","[PRODUCT H NAME] = “ field in...
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