Recent content by FrostByte

  1. F

    Loop (.Attachments.Add) based on a table

    Hey all... thank everyone so much I finely managed to get a working model of what I wanted. This code will auto attach everything in the given directory. "Set fol = fso.GetFolder(Path2 & "\SubmissionDocs" & "\")" Dim fso As Object, fil As Object, fol As Object Set fso =...
  2. F

    Select All Files by File Type

    Hi DB, Loving the file explorer/viewer demo you have. Could you assist how I might replace the code using Dir() in a loop? Thank you in advance
  3. F

    Loop (.Attachments.Add) based on a table

    ty Gasman I have used the </> Added NOT .EOF Added Option Explicit and declared all variables and PKey As String I do store the full file path and name in FullPath (C:\Temp2\Test\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx). I've always stepped through with excel VBA using f8 but with access its never...
  4. F

    Select All Files by File Type

    This code works perfectly by opening a window and allowing you to select which file to attach to an email, but I'm looking to modify it so it automatically selects file types of my choosing (or even them all using *.* for all). Then to attach without having to press "Open" on the browse window...
  5. F

    Attach multiple files from a directory folder to email .pdf & .jpg or other image files

    Can this code be set to select every file by default? I want to attached all files without selecting them. Cheers
  6. F

    Loop (.Attachments.Add) based on a table

    This is where i'm at so far.... The table with all my data is called "Fields" the full path and file name is in the field "FullPath" I get a compile error: Method or data member not found in the while loop Is doesn't like .Attachments.Add PKey but if I use Attachments.Add PKey it works...
  7. F

    Loop (.Attachments.Add) based on a table

    I'm clearly no expert. I've ended up down a path trying to find a solution. ;-) I was only ever wanting to point the code to a folder and attach every file contained in it.
  8. F

    Loop (.Attachments.Add) based on a table

    The files are placed in the directory days before.
  9. F

    Loop (.Attachments.Add) based on a table

    Thanks to some great pointers here. and I have managed to fudge together a routine that reads the contents of a given folders into a table. I'm...
  10. F

    Solved Access VBA - Loop through files in Folders, Subfolders, Sub-Sub Folders....

    I get a compile error: user-defined type not defined. "Dim fil As file"
  11. F

    Solved Access VBA - Loop through files in Folders, Subfolders, Sub-Sub Folders....

    I get a complie error: User-defined type not defined This is
  12. F

    Attach all files in a folder to an email

    Thank you all... i'm looking as we speak.
  13. F

    Attach all files in a folder to an email

    I have the code to attach a file after its exported to a directory in a single routine. In his instance however these files are not from an export. There placed in the directory days before from other processes, I guess I'm unsure of how to read the contents and then use that information to...
  14. F

    Attach all files in a folder to an email

    Hi all, I've searched in vain so thank you in advance. I want to declare a variable which points to a folder and then have an email created with all files in that given directory attached. They'll will be different names each time, but I want them all attaching automatically. Kind Regards
  15. F

    Microsoft Access: Edge Browser Control is finally here :)

    I was just playing about with an Edge Browser Control as the background of the form. Whats bugging me is that would you cant send the control to the back of the other controls (i.e. its always on top of everything else).
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