Hi all
I need your help to insert the code that is blocking the cells from the exported excel with the range B1:BB800. :banghead:
Below i have the macro code for the export:
Function invoice()
On Error GoTo invoice_Err
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Export", "MicrosoftExcelBiff8(*.xls)"...
This is available in company where your job request to do databases , yes it is illegal, but when you wanna escape from the noisy excel files and make your job more easy it is something else.(and you are not paid for this improvments).
please help me with the following problem: i need to know how i can block to see the previouse records in a form with the scroll wheall (the buttons from the bottom of the form are made invisible for the users but the scroll wheal is still working ) in Access 2003.
Please help me with another problem: i have creeated the field for userid (the database is protected with user and password) and i need to know how i can connect the previous code:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me.Modifydate = Now()
End Sub
with :
Me.User = CurrentUser
I don't receive any error but when i open the table to see if the field has received the date it is empty (i use Access 2003 - maybe this is the reason?)