Recent content by JANR

  1. J

    calculated fields cant see in the database

    You're window's setting for decimal seperator is most likely a comma and not a period, just replace .75 with 0,75 Quota_Totale: ([TotaleAdulti]+[TotaleRagazzi]+[TataleBambini])*0,75 JanR
  2. J

    Run time error '13': Type Mismatch

    list over Excel constants: JanR
  3. J

    Changing all ZLS in a table to Null

    Set the property "AllowZeroLength" of the field(s) in your table to No. To do it to all your tables se this: good luck Jan R
  4. J

    Help with Access IF Statement

    This is better suited for the Switch() function. ex: DisplayText: Switch([Age-CRD]<=5,"0-5",[Age-CRD]<=10,"6-10", .... ,[Age-CRD]>365,0) Good luck Jan R *edit Wrong final argument
  5. J

    How to prevent (lock) the deletion of a column in a subform in Datasheet view?

    In Access 2010 accdb I can delete a Column/Field even in form view by right clicking the column and choose delete, or simply press the delete button. I suspect this for the developer to quickly remove a field you don't want instead of going into designmode of the form. To undo this action...
  6. J

    Updating a local table from a linked table workaround

    Enclose amazon-order-id in square brackets like so: [amazon-order-id] JanR
  7. J

    XIRR for non-periodic dates and flows by investment

    SelectSql = "SELECT CFlow, TDate FROM XIRR_Array WHERE [Match Code]= 'MatchCode' ORDER BY TDate" This select statement is looking for records in your table XIRR_ARRAY where the field Match Code is equel to the literal string 'MatchCode' and yopu probably don not have any records there, so...
  8. J

    Access VBA code to open & sort excel sheet

    With oBook.Sheets(1).Range("C2", oBook.Sheets(1).Range("C" & oBook.Sheets(1).Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) If you are going to use late binding, you have to tell Access what the value of xlUp is. This is an Excel spesific constant. either. Const xlUp As Long = -4162 or declare it as a Public...
  9. J

    Save a Table as text Instructions

    Here is a start: Jan R
  10. J

    Combine Date and Time column

    You don't concaenate date and time, you ADD them together, to get date and time =M1+N1 Janr
  11. J

    When is the "OpenDatabase" Method Needed?

    This methode is for ADO right Galaxiom? since DAO do not have a .State property as far as I know. But I can however perhaps do something like this to be sure that recordsets as closed after I'm done with the DAO Recordset Set rs=Currentdb.OpenRecordset("whatever") ..... do whatever rs.Close...
  12. J

    When is the "OpenDatabase" Method Needed?

    But what if you get an error within your with-block? On Error Goto Handler With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL) Do While Not .EOF ... .MoveNext Loop .Close End With ExitPoint: Exit Sub Handler: msgBox Err.Number Resume ExitPoint End Sub Dosen't that leave the recordset...
  13. J

    Append record if exist or Update if not exist

    Access do not support a full outer join. Change til to either Right Join or Left Join. In your case I think you need Left Join Also use your real table names marked in blue UPDATE <Destination table> As A LEFT JOIN <Source table> As B ON = AND A.bbb = B.bbb AND A.ccc = B.ccc AND...
  14. J

    Locking a Form once data has been entered

    Avoid the problem by issuing your sequence number only for new records. ex: If Me.NewRecord then Me.Seqence = Nz(Dmax(.....),0) + 1 End If Jan R
  15. J

    removing zeros

    @sneuberg Why go to all that trouble, Format()-function already turns the date into a string. JanR
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