Recent content by jedder18

  1. J

    Search Button Macro give incorrect field

    sadly can not post demo version. It's a huge db, and hipaa rules exist. anyhow, 1 of the things I did which seem to be working.. The form is started off with a search button to find an ID. when ID found, there are multiple buttons underneath for multiple forms/reports etc all tied to found ID...
  2. J

    Search Button Macro give incorrect field

    so the tab order only worked on the 1st instance of finding the next episode after that, it keeps putting the episode ID into the Participant ID field even tho I speficied the control name of EPID Any thoughts? I've tried closing the form in the macro when it opens the next form, but, when going...
  3. J

    Search Button Macro give incorrect field

    I fixed it. Had to change the tab order. the field needed(Episode#) was 2nd in order, the 1 that would populate was 1st.
  4. J

    Search Button Macro give incorrect field

    The macro is initiated when you press the search button
  5. J

    Search Button Macro give incorrect field

    I've attached screen shots of the search macro and forms in use. I am not certain how the macro is working. It is supposed to be searching for the Episode ID and when selected should open the info for who it belongs to. However, it is putting that id into the participant name and bringing over...
  6. J

    duplicate index

    The compact and repair on the Back End fixed the issue. Whew. Thanks for all your help.
  7. J

    duplicate index

    yes to the field being autogenerated. Each client has front end copy on there pc's I still need to compact the back end but now they're in it. will try that later today. I attached in jpg the error message
  8. J

    duplicate index

    client on entry into form that is linked to main form not able to enter data Keep getting the duplicate index error. The field is an auto generated ID Compacted and repaired to no avail. This is a split db I have looked in the tables for anything that might show the dup entry, but, find...
  9. J

    nested iif with Sum

    Great idea to put the indiv 1st. I'm getting so confused between Access and Crystal, I getted bogged down in too many details. This is great...thanks so much.
  10. J

    nested iif with Sum

    this should always be individual. It's a separate formula from the group. thanks for help
  11. J

    nested iif with Sum

    =Sum(IIf([Date]<#7/1/2019#,IIf([GrpIndiv]="Individual",([Hours])*50.23,(IIf([GrpIndiv]="Individual",([Hours])*50.26))))) THis only works for those meeting the 1st criteria...not if it's > 7/1 What am I missing? I get no data at all for the 7/1 criteria.
  12. J

    rpt runs with 2 parameters that must be true

    The field admin_nbr_value is a multiselect. I want the report to run only if there is an "Initial" and "Termination" selected from admin_nbr_value field; which means the client filled out 2 separate forms. Each form has data associated with it that is being aggregated to show increase/decrease...
  13. J

    formula help

    using this formula in a report. selecting 3/1/19 as beginadmitdate and 3/31/19 endadmitdate if the fields in report have dates in those ranges in some fashion, the formula works, however, the last formula is not calculating the diff if the dates do not fall in any of the above arrays. ex...
  14. J

    best practice for multiple drop down flds

    I'm thinking Excel is best way to go here too. Way too many fields to query on if they need analysis between 2 and 3 at a time. Thanks for reply.
  15. J

    best practice for multiple drop down flds

    I was thinking of the subforms too. Had a similar report way back when. It will be a lot of them though and trying to grab all the totals to come up with % of ex: swf in dom violence, etc sometimes people think we have an easy button :cool: It's a lot of data to try to mesh together. Thanks for...
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