Recent content by John Big Booty

  1. John Big Booty

    Simple way to give all Null values 0 in calculated fields..?

    Once again you have gone above and beyond the call. Thank you Chris. With my assistance (and to my shame) you have managed to transform a mole hill into an insurmountable mountain. So long and thanks for all the fish.
  2. John Big Booty

    Simple way to give all Null values 0 in calculated fields..?

    How very prescient of you :rolleyes: It was big enough for you to hijack this thread, on the basis of a site I linked to. I suspect that, that reveals a great deal about the motives behind your initial posting in this thread.
  3. John Big Booty

    Simple way to give all Null values 0 in calculated fields..?

    Chris I trust you will be taking this egregious error up with the Admins over at
  4. John Big Booty

    GoToControl on record load

    Try adding the following to your code; Me.YourControlName.SetFocus
  5. John Big Booty

    Simple way to give all Null values 0 in calculated fields..?

    Chris, I see nothing you have said here, that invalidates or proves the wrongness or erroneous nature of the statement that you took issue with vis a vie; The long and the short of it is that if value_if_null is omitted the value that is returned will be directly determined by the type of...
  6. John Big Booty

    Simple way to give all Null values 0 in calculated fields..?

    In effect proving that the method of observation/interrogation determines the result, and thus we must be dealing with quantum value ;)
  7. John Big Booty

    Simple way to give all Null values 0 in calculated fields..?

    In effect it does, as the type of value that is expected determines the outcome; Dim x As Variant Dim z As Variant Dim i As Integer Dim s As String z = Null x = Nz(z) s = x i = x MsgBox "x Holds " & i & " and at the same...
  8. John Big Booty

    Displaying Records

    Are you able post a copy of your DB?
  9. John Big Booty

    Displaying Records

    That would tend to indicate that a selection has not yet been made in the combo47. Try; Private Sub Find_Click() 'DISPLAYING RECORDS FROM MASTER DATEWISE Dim Order_combo47 As Integer Dim rs As dao.Recordset 'Test for selection in combo and stop if no selection made If IsNull(Me.Combo47) then...
  10. John Big Booty

    Simple way to give all Null values 0 in calculated fields..?

    To be honest Chris I'm have a hard time finding any fundamental difference in the truth of; and At the end of the day if you are looking for a string you will get a ZLS, but if your looking for an integer you get zero. Whilst your explanation may provide a fuller description of what is going...
  11. John Big Booty

    Simple way to give all Null values 0 in calculated fields..?

    As an a addendum to CJ_London's reply you can find out more about the Nz() function here.
  12. John Big Booty

    Navigation form issues with buttons on subforms

    Welcome to the forum. When you are working with forms and subforms the syntax required for referring to controls/objects on either the parent or child form become a little more complex. Bookmark this link for future reference, as it will help you formulate the correct reference for controls and...
  13. John Big Booty

    Access Calendar?

    There are a number of Calendars in the sample section of the forum, you may be able to bash one of those to fit your needs.
  14. John Big Booty

    Form combobox updating issue

    From here;
  15. John Big Booty

    Form combobox updating issue

    Have you tried the code in your Combo's On Change event?
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