Recent content by Jopetes

  1. J

    DCount Function in VBA for two text fields and one numeric field

    I have a form on input of data finds the duplicate feeding and warns. I used DCount function earlier with two text fields it was working perfectly. No I would like to add one more filed which numeric. How Do i go about it. My fields are : Purchase_Order_Number = Text...
  2. J

    Combining several Access files to one single file

    I have several access files created fro each single purpose and formats. I would like to combine them all in single form selecting each from the main form. Is it possible and how?
  3. J

    Automatic Messaging through Access

    I have a members list and want to update each member through messaging (email or whatsApp) their registration umber and other instructions. Is it possible through access. Kindly help.
  4. J

    Report Page follows a scanned page

    Is there in possible way, anyone could suggest.
  5. J

    Report Page follows a scanned page

    I have a report which would be exported in to pdf format. I want to include a scanned page after the report and make it as a single pdf file. Is there any way of doing such report.
  6. J

    Conditional Formatting the Field based on the Value of Another Field

    I have the following codes Option Explicit Option Compare Text Private Const ConRed As Long = vbRed Private Const ConYellow As Long = vbYellow Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) If Me.Ord_Supp <> Me.Inv_Supp Then Me.Ord_Supp.BackColor = ConRed...
  7. J

    Conditional Formatting the Field based on the Value of Another Field

    I have done that but in report no desired result appears. The report appears in the normal colour only. I have tried with VBA code and the font colour changes in first two fields. I have another similar fields such as "Ordered Currency" and "Invoiced Currency" , "Ordered Qty" and "Invoiced...
  8. J

    Conditional Formatting the Field based on the Value of Another Field

    I have a report in which one of the field value (Text) to be highlighted based on the value of the another filed. My Fields are [Ordered Supplier], [Invoiced Supplier]. If they are not equal should be highlighted with yellow and blue respectively. I tried with user wizard in...
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