Recent content by jwhite

  1. jwhite

    All VBA being removed by Access 2013???
  2. jwhite

    Structuring a DVD Library

    tblSeries tblSeriesSeasons tblSeriesDiscs tblSeriesDiscEpisodes
  3. jwhite

    How to segregate-single out part of the date field (month)?

    To extend raskew and lagbolt's on-target responses, using Month() will only work if the date field is stored in the table as data type - Date/Time. Month() is also correct because it will pull the month no matter what the Regional Settings of the computer is. Attempting to use Mid() will be...
  4. jwhite

    register entrance and leaving times for employees at their jobs

    MANY links here to ready-made applications for this purpose
  5. jwhite

    [Access] How to create tables in emails using VBA in access?

    The code you posted has not followed the example in any shape or form. You should be using the example, and then update the Email application properties appropriately for Lotus Notes (refer to the references I gave). I do not know Lotus Notes, therefore I gave links, no directions! With...
  6. jwhite

    [Access] How to create tables in emails using VBA in access?

    It would help if you state what 'problem' it is that you are having. What is the output you are getting? If you followed the general outline of the sample module in the posted MDB, you shouldn't have had any problem. Your RecordSet would be the same that you would feed a report, and then you...
  7. jwhite

    [Access] How to create tables in emails using VBA in access?

    I'm not familiar with Lotus Notes. The writing of the email body should be the same, while the rest is probably different. One/some/all of these links should help you: Lotus Notes appointment from VB or VBA Lotus Notes Appointments from VB or VBA (version 6) Lotus Notes Send EMail from VB or...
  8. jwhite

    Returning Record Counts to a Row

    Eh... what? Is everything okay? It's definitely you're parade, and you are welcome to it. Happy New Year!
  9. jwhite

    Returning Record Counts to a Row

    Brian, we have no idea what he has already. Giving him alternatives without knowing what he has risks the chance of confusing him.
  10. jwhite

    Wierd Access 2000 to 2003 issues

    Update = Save, yes.
  11. jwhite

    Wierd Access 2000 to 2003 issues

    Sorry to report, it updated fine for me, Ac2003 on Win XP SP2.
  12. jwhite

    Select query limitations

    We would need to know your table structure before we could assist you. Sounds like your table structures need fixing, as your shifts should not be in multiple tables -- one table with a field to designate the shift type. Makes querying alot easier. Is your MDB small enough to be able to post...
  13. jwhite

    Returning Record Counts to a Row

    Convert your query to a Totals Query (toolbar View - Totals), then in the "Total" row for your field, select "Count". That's the basics. If Year(...) is your criteria, it looks rather strange. If no go, please post your entire SQL statement.
  14. jwhite

    Need Help Making Multiple Records From One Record

    Please explain why you want to do this. Not that I am implying that it is wrong, but it is rare when you would do this (storing redundant data). Normally Queries are used to manipulate data in the manner desired by the users.
  15. jwhite

    Input Mask

    If the value entered is static and will never be used for calculations, then the previous response by (?) will suffice. HOWEVER, if your data is stored in a table field that is of type NUMBER, you will not be able to append the %, and you shouldn't... Keep the value in its native format...
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