Recent content by kajtam

  1. K

    Record in a Subfrm based on another Subfrm

    I am not quite sure what is your structure but you need to tell access which form is where. It should look something like that: stLinkCriteria = "[EquipmentID]=" & Me![EquipmentID] DoCmd.BrowseTo ObjectType:=acBrowseToForm, _ ObjectName:="SubfrmVendors", _...
  2. K

    Navigation SubForm with a Navigation SubForm, VBA references

    Thanks spikepl, your advice didn't help me that much, but I did some more experimenting on my own and came up with a solution: Private Sub frmEnquiryDetails_Click() DoCmd.BrowseTo ObjectType:=acBrowseToForm, _ ObjectName:="frmEnquiryDetails", _...
  3. K

    Record in a Subfrm based on another Subfrm

    Hi Mark, try this one: stLinkCriteria = "[EquipmentID]=" & Me![EquipmentID] DoCmd.BrowseTo ObjectType:=acBrowseToForm, _ ObjectName:="SubfrmVendors", _ PathToSubformControl:="frmPrimeEquipment.NavigationSubform", _ WhereCondition:=stLinkCriteria, _ Page:="", _ DataMode:=acReadOnly Just...
  4. K

    Record in a Subfrm based on another Subfrm

    Hi Mark, what is your code to open frmPrimeEquipment form?
  5. K

    Navigation SubForm with a Navigation SubForm, VBA references

    Hi all, its day two of my struggle. I am trying to find a solution and its just driving me mad. Here is my situation: Now Here is a piece of my code: 1) Establishing Temp Vars and opening the form (frmEditProject): Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String...
  6. K

    Tips for loosing weight..

    1. Don't eat before sleep 2. Start eating less each meal but more often, I had an alarm every 3 hours. This way your body will learn that food comes every 3h and wont store the fat for later 3. Drink a lot of water. If you are hungry, drink water, don't cheat, no snacks in between meals. 4. Quit...
  7. K

    I _____ My Government

    6 ppl in the poll :D
  8. K

    How to close a form without saving a new record?

    Thanks a lot Marvin.
  9. K

    Filter code in Access 2007

    Helped me a lot! :)
  10. K

    How to close a form without saving a new record?

    Thanks a lot Marvin! Can't believe I've spent 4 hours trying to figure it out. Kind Regards Michal
  11. K

    How to close a form without saving a new record?

    Hi, I might be tired by now and it just started to be very annoying. I have a form frmAddNewProject that is a Data Entry form. When you click Add Project on the form, it creates folders and copies files to a location and also creates new record(s) in the ProjectT table with apriopriate...
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