Recent content by kissinger

  1. kissinger

    "ODBC Connection failed" in DoCMd.TransferDatabase "ODBC Database"

    make a macro Use a macro to export a table to an other database. (or to a text file or to excel file) action: TransferDatabase parameters: transfer type: export etc....:) To prevent user intervention start macro with: SetWarnings ----> No end your macro with SetWarnings ----> Yes
  2. kissinger

    Update Function

    function purpose not clear I don't see what you plan to do but this gives no error: Function dup1() If ([Report_Operator production report]![Work Type] = "Dup-1") Then dup -1 <= 0 Else dup1 = Int(Sum([job completed time] - [job start time] - CDate("0:0:" & DatePart("s", [job completed time] -...
  3. kissinger

    subform problem...

    subform use query not table for subform First make a query that uses the same table as the subform now uses. In criteria refer to fields of the main form. e.g. [Forms]![MyMAINFORM]![MyCompany] e.g. >=[Forms]![MyMAINFORM]![Mystartdate] then change the subform datasource to the query you made...
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