Recent content by lobop3

  1. L

    Pivot Table Filters

    Thank you for you help!! I didn't realize I could cell format on the pivot table. I ended up doing a couple of things, maybe over kill but it shows up on the pivot table the way I want. I made my data field a list with only 1/1/13, 2/2/13, 3/3/13 and so on. In the field the user selects the...
  2. L

    Dynamic Named Ranges and Pivot Tables

    Thanks for your help!!
  3. L

    Pivot Table Filters

    I went back and made the month data numbers. I tried to sort the data by date so the data in the table was in chronological order, and nothing new. Do the pivot tables cache the data?
  4. L

    Pivot Table Filters

    I have a pivot table that includes data using Months of the year in the Column Labels. I was using MONTH(A2) where A2 is an entered date, which returns the numbers 1-12. In my pivot table, I wanted it to say the name of the month. I did a lookup to retrieve the corresponding month name. Simple...
  5. L

    Pivot Table Refresh Not working

    I figured out my problem. In my Dynamic Named Range I did not include the header. That cause the pivot table to use the first row of data as the filters. Now I have a new problem to which I will start a new thread =)
  6. L

    Pivot Table Refresh Not working

    I can't get the file up loaded and I tried to share a folder from dropbox but its asking for an email. How would you like me to get you the file?
  7. L

    Pivot Table Refresh Not working

    I open name manager using fn+command+F3 because I don't have the tab at the top to click. After I open the name manager there is no field to set workbook. I'm using 2010 for the Mac. Is there another place to make sure this setting is set to workbook? It does highlight nicely even after I add...
  8. L

    Dynamic Named Ranges and Pivot Tables

    I was able to get my Dynamic Named Range table set up. I tried to reference the range in my Pivot Table. Under the Pivot Table Tab I clicked change source and a box came up asking for a table or range. I typed my named range right in the location field. My Pivot Table went blank So I tried...
  9. L

    Pivot Table Refresh Not working

    One more question =) The dynamic range worked great by the way!! I'll will be using that many times. How do I reference the dynamic range from the Pivot Table? I have tried putting just the name of the range and an = plus the name in the field for the pivot table source. My sheet went blank.
  10. L

    Pivot Table Refresh Not working

    In excel i have a sheet1 with data. I have a pivot table in sheet2 using that data from sheet1 I go back and add rows of data to sheet1. I manually go to the Pivot Table tab at the top -> click the options button -> click refresh. The newly added data to sheet1 does not appear. The only way...
  11. L

    Running a Macro inside a macro in excel

    Thank You! That is what I needed. Where can I find the functions or methods and object definitions for excel?
  12. L


    Thanks David R
  13. L

    Running a Macro inside a macro in excel

    Hello, I'm trying to record a macro that runs a macro. I have two sheets in my workbook. I'm on sheet 1 and move to recordedPositions. The I want the macro to run. I can manually go to sheet recordedPositions cell A4 and then manually run the macro and it all works fine. I want a one click...
  14. L


    Hello Everyone I'm Lobop3 and I'm pretty new to all this. My concentration will be using Excel.:)
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