Recent content by LogicLoom

  1. L

    Use ChatGPT with Google Sheets to create a Blog

    This thread is quite old, but it's worth mentioning (if people come looking for information like me) that GPT for sheets advanced so much in the last few months. I'm using it daily now for so many things from simple data clean up to creating entire tables with custom content. I love how...
  2. L

    What does SKOL mean?

    From all the Viking series I watched it should mean "cheers" although non of the Vikings had any appointments or text messages.
  3. L

    Should we have a secton for AI?

    I'm a nob here (so I guess my opinion doesn't count as much) but here it is: I would love more AI topics here (runs from the mob with torches). I'm interested in real experiences and I think forums are one of the best ways to interact with humans and gossip about the bots. I always find...
  4. L

    Looking for a Big Fat Book!

    If you're still looking for a big fat book (even if you got some, this one should be on your list) that'll keep you hooked (and double as a doorstop), you have to check out The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. It’s got revenge, romance, betrayal, and more plot twists than a soap opera...
  5. L

    Why You Should Watch Shrinking! (On Apple)

    I’ve been hearing bits about Shrinking from a few random people, but now I feel like I have to watch it! Harrison Ford in a role with dry humor and Jason Segel tackling dark themes with comedy? That sounds like the perfect match for me. I wasn’t sure if it’d be my thing, but after reading this...
  6. L

    Anyone used YOUTUBE TV ? Especially with a ROKU TV

    I actually tried YouTube TV on my Roku TV, and I wasn’t a fan. The interface felt clunky, and flipping through channels wasn’t as smooth as I hoped. I missed the easy browsing experience of traditional cable. Plus, the price increases made it feel less worth it for me. I ended up canceling and...
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