Recent content by Lunesta

  1. Lunesta

    Recurrence of font bug in MS Access 365 Version 2311?

    Thanks. I appreciate your good will!
  2. Lunesta

    Recurrence of font bug in MS Access 365 Version 2311?

    Thanks. The simple answer is that I generally don't quite understand what I'm doing.
  3. Lunesta

    Recurrence of font bug in MS Access 365 Version 2311?

    Hi. I've just tried with a new form and it seemed to retain my Segoe font setting. However, the problematic form is still resetting itself to OS Sans Serif. Forms in the database that I hadn't opened recently seem to be okay. For the time being, I'm using the following VBA code in...
  4. Lunesta

    Recurrence of font bug in MS Access 365 Version 2311?

    After apparently being resolved last month, I'm seeing a recurrence of the kind of issue discussed by @isladogs with my chosen font in forms being replaced (mostly in form labels but in some text boxes also) by another font -- in this case by a font called "OS Sans Serif." Anyone else seeing...
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