Recent content by matt beamish

  1. M

    Split text loop

    Thanks for this which is very light weight and does just what I need to do - and you've written it into a query for me so I can adapt to all the appends I need to do which is appreciated. There are multiple tables that I have coming from field recording devices where the data is getting...
  2. M

    Split text loop

    I now have this running successfully. Thanks for help Moke123 and everyone else for quickly chipping in. Good to know that the Forum is still here and that all you helpful people are there to help.
  3. M

    Split text loop

    I've just read that DAO (which I did used to need years ago) is effectively replaced with MIcrosoft Office 16.0 Access.....which is loaded on my machine
  4. M

    Split text loop

    Might this be a reference library issue - perhaps I need DAO3.6?
  5. M

    Split text loop

    When running from Immediates, I'm getting this compile error:
  6. M

    Split text loop

    Here is some of my data as a text file - thanks for help
  7. M

    Split text loop

    Thanks for replies. I'm sort of confident about just getting the numbers out somehow, it is more how to get the results into just one column, and so how I get split() to loop. From I get but I need single values in the context column and the 'number' column repeated for as many instances...
  8. M

    Split text loop

    Hi all, long time no see from me as my job changed a bit, and I'm not doing anything near the amount of VBA I used to do. So apologies, but I am just a bit rusty and would appreciate a hand. I need to split a field that is consistently delimited by commas, and contains numeric strings between...
  9. M

    Advice/Consultancy required on migration of Access db to web server -

    Hi folks, I run a membership database for a local society that holds a small private membership of 400 or so with around 80 institutional subscribers, and holds subscription information, payments made, subs owing, publications despatched, gift aid claims, general notes, orders and invoices etc...
  10. M

    Search Excel spreadsheet with string from Access form

    Thanks for your time. I think the duplication issue can be shelved. What is more important is to search until the first match is found. If there is no match, then 'No match'. A repeat search can be implemented by the user from within Excel if necessary. I understand about linking in the data...
  11. M

    Search Excel spreadsheet with string from Access form

    This code runs and works Set Xlsheet = XlBook.Sheets("GroupMatrix") 'For Each Xlsheet In XlBook.Worksheets With Xlsheet .Cells.Find(What:=searchstring, After:=.Cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlvalues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False...
  12. M

    Search Excel spreadsheet with string from Access form

    Thanks very much I'll give it a whirl in a few hours when I'm back at work. My other wish is to close every instance of the workbook when the search is initiated, or the user will end up with an opened file for every search they do and they will be doing many searches in a session. With the pdf...
  13. M

    Search Excel spreadsheet with string from Access form

    Thanks Eberhard you have sorted this! I changed the Set XlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename) line and that was enough. How can I ask the find to search across all worksheets? set Xlsheet is specifying a sheet, and I need to search across all sheets and find duplicates thanks again -...
  14. M

    Search Excel spreadsheet with string from Access form

    Thanks - I understand better. With this (also making explicit my search string). I get the same 'Error 91; Object variable or With block variable not set' With Xlsheet .Cells.Find(What:="1434", After:=.Cells("A2"), LookIn:=xlvalues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows...
  15. M

    Search Excel spreadsheet with string from Access form

    Thanks Eberhard Please can you be more explicit? I should be adding a reference to the parent of what ? thanks again Matt
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