Recent content by mhorner

  1. M

    Copy Records and Append Field of Newly Copied Records

    Ok I asked too soon, I think I've figured it out. For some reason, when you attempt to move records using SQL, it can't detect if a field is a primary key, and thus it tries to copy the primary key into the new table, yielding in a primary key conflict. But if you try to copy records using...
  2. M

    Copy Records and Append Field of Newly Copied Records

    Hey guys, I know its been a few weeks, but I'm getting really close to making this work. I'm having one challenge that I suspect is probably an easy solution, but I'm really not terribly familiar with SQL, I'm still learning. How do you copy records from Table 1 into Table 2, but have the ID...
  3. M

    Copy Records and Append Field of Newly Copied Records

    Genius ideas bastanu, much appreciated input. I had never thought of these approaches. Let me tinker around in the next few days with the flag idea. I also already have the database split, so it wouldn't be too difficult to add a new table to the front end specifically to hold the batch model...
  4. M

    Copy Records and Append Field of Newly Copied Records

    Hello again everybody, I am looking for guidance here on an issue that has been plaguing me for the past few years. Question: How do I duplicate a set of records, then select the newly duplicated records, then update a field on only the newly duplicated records? Context: I have a form called...
  5. M

    Referencing a Column with a Space in VBA

    Thanks guys. Again, I really appreciate the help. I wish there was some way i could repay you. DBGuy, I did remove the brackets and immediately got a compile error. I added the brackets back in and all functioned properly. Thanks again!
  6. M

    Referencing a Column with a Space in VBA

    This actually resolved it. I renamed txtCertificateNumber to txtTEST and this actually worked. I changed the name of the textbox back to txtCertificateNumber and updated the code accordingly, and it functions perfectly. I can't claim to know the inner workings of access terribly well, but maybe...
  7. M

    Referencing a Column with a Space in VBA

    I see your thought process, and I like it. So debug.print me.txtCertificateNumber throw the same error. I assure you, I am spelling it correctly. Maybe renaming the text box might help?
  8. M

    Referencing a Column with a Space in VBA

    Ok, I feel like this is progress already :) This did not throw an error. This successfully duplicate the record and populated "Test" into the certificate number field of the new record.
  9. M

    Referencing a Column with a Space in VBA

    Hi DBGuy, I'm actually trying to use Allen Browne's duplicate record script. I'm not entirely sure how to answer your question. I am just trying to create a duplicate record command button that copies fields and subtables into the new record. All fields copy...
  10. M

    Referencing a Column with a Space in VBA

    Interesting though, if I debug.print the field, it works fine...but if I try to push the field to a textbox, I receive an error that the field doesn't exist. Debug.Print [Certificate Number] <-------This successfully prints the certificate number from the record...
  11. M

    Referencing a Column with a Space in VBA

    Hi, Thanks for your quick reply. But this unfortunately doesn't work. I receive the same error. Thanks for the advice, but this is a DB I inherited. The author didn't exactly use good naming conventions. I'd like to try to update the names, but there so many references. I don't really know how...
  12. M

    Referencing a Column with a Space in VBA

    Hi everybody, Can anybody suggest how to reference a table column name that has a space in VBA? I'm working on a function to duplicate a selected record and copy the desired data into the new record. All fields work except the fields with spaces in their name. For example, the Certificate...
  13. M

    Record Locked after editing text box

    Thanks for clarifying, DBGuy. I always appreciate your support.
  14. M

    Record Locked after editing text box

    Thank you for the replies everybody. I put aside my work yesterday and dedicated myself fully to troubleshooting this further. I've found the resolution and figured I'd post the solution in case anybody else encounters this. Thank you all for the input and willingness to help. Here is what I've...
  15. M

    Record Locked after editing text box

    I've been struggling for over 1 year to resolve this bug being experienced on 2 of my 7 data input forms for one of my databases at work. If you enter data into any text or combo box on the form, the record locks and a pencil appears in the corner. If you try to leave the form using the close...
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