Recent content by mike6271

  1. M

    Convert Seconds to Hours Minutes & Seconds

    To save anyone the headache make sure to use Int function in every section or it wont work properly. Like so... Newname:Format(Int([YourFieldName]/3600),"00") & ":" & Format(Int(([YourFieldName]-(Int([YourFieldName]/3600)*3600))/60),"00") & ":" & Format((([YourFieldName] Mod 60)),"00")
  2. M

    Create a Google Calendar event with VBA

    Just to let you know it worked for me. Thanks for link.
  3. M

    Help! I've forgotten my db pw!!

    Thanks theDBguy I'll have another look out there; it's like raking muck tbh. But the knowledge it can be done makes me more resolute.
  4. M

    Help! I've forgotten my db pw!!

    Anybody? Even if only to tell me it can't be done....
  5. M

    Open last database when access is opened

    Double clicking the accdb file will open the file. Surely that works?
  6. M

    Help! I've forgotten my db pw!!

    Hi Good People of AWF So about 8 years ago I wrote this fabulous (I think) application for a client who then decided he didn't want it (long story) so it lay in folder untouched gathering dust. Anyways, the bit you've been waiting for, I've been asked for exactly that db and when I tried to...
  7. M

    Order query

    Thank you for your reply will try to implement and see how we get on. Will I be able to use this dynamically? Or will I have to type the switch query for each Area in the database? Thank you
  8. M

    Order query

    I have a listbox on a form which displays properties(realty) that match the CityID of the property applicant. I also have an areaID within the city. I want to create a query which will return all property in the city the applicant is interested in but will order by the properties which match...
  9. M

    Like filter takes hours Whereas not like works instantly!!!

    Hi, That was the entire query. I deleted original qry segment by segment to trap the part that was causing the problem. You are right I didnt need to use it - just wouldve saved time rewriting a specific query for this form. Using Access BE. Thanks for comments - was driving me mad more than...
  10. M

    Like filter takes hours Whereas not like works instantly!!!

    Hi All, Opening a form with filter ([ContactID] IN (SELECT ContactID FROM tblBuisnessAddress WHERE tblBuisnessAddress.postcode LIKE 'w1*')) takes a crazy amount of time. (60 sec for 450 records and a few minutes for 1000's). BUT... ([ContactID] IN (SELECT ContactID FROM tblBuisnessAddress...
  11. M

    syntax for multiple search criteria in same field

    Hi, I have a search form which allows to search for various criteria such as postcode. The code for building the filter is as follows: varWhere = (varWhere + " AND ") & _ "([ContactID] IN (SELECT ContactID FROM tblBusinessAddress " & _ "WHERE...
  12. M

    Find record which does not have corresponding record x

    Thanks Paul you are a genius. This was actually the data source of my form listbox so you can multiselect students and the added students would jump to another listbox of added students. You have saved me from a suicide pact with my computer. Thanks a mill:):):)
  13. M

    Find record which does not have corresponding record x

    Hi Thanks for replying I don't know if I'm making myself clear. I have created the following query. SELECT tblStudents.* FROM tblStudents LEFT JOIN jtblStudentSession ON tblStudents.[fldStudentID] = jtblStudentSession.[fldStudentID] WHERE (((jtblStudentSession.fldStudentID) Is Null Or...
  14. M

    Combo Box - Filtering on type value

    Hi, In the format tab of your combo proprties set your bound column width to zero. Alternatively you could change the order of your columns in the query and amend the bound column accordingly. hope thats some help Mike
  15. M

    Find record which does not have corresponding record x

    Hi I am having real difficulty here. I have tblStudents (StudentID, Name etc.) and jtblStudentSession (SessionID, StudentID). Can someone please advise how I would query which Students are not registered for Session x. The unmatched records part is simple, what I cant work out is if how to...
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