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  • I didn't realize that it had been almost 4 years since I wrote last. Your baby is now ~ 8 and the other is 5 1/2. Time flies. Are you still working for Tulsa? I'm retired now...but I am working on a Congressional campaign. A friend of mine decided to run for Congress, so I'm working full time w/o pay. I talked her into running for the NM House of Representatives 10 years ago. She used to run IT contracts at Sandia National Lab. Did your husband go back into competition again? I'll try to check back in more often.

    Take care...
    thanks for adding me to your friends list. I know I haven't been out here very much lately - I have a different job, and if I find a minute to go to the bathroom, I am doing good!!! But I promise I will come out more!
    Thanks for asking about me. I posted a response last night, but must not have saved it. Several years ago I quit my job and took a hike, literally. Then an acquaintance found out I was out of work and approached me to come to work for the City of Albuquerque as a Systems Administrator II. First I worked as a contractor, won the employee of the month award and then was hired by the City. I had never had any training as a Sys Adm and had to learn it all from scratch. Mostly I worked special projects as a Project Manager. I finally got back into developing contracts. I have enjoyed my work though there is a lot of stress. Currently I have put together servers and developed them. We are now doing load-balancing (new for me) and critical fail-overs. I am studying Sql Server, and the PMP. I still help others with Access and try to keep up when I have time.

    How is your husband's workouts going. That "baby" I remember you had must be 3 or 4 by now. Thanks again for asking how and what I was doing.
    Sorry about the late friend acceptance thingy. Work seems to have caught up with me recently... :(
    Not an early birthday treat, we love Sitges its where we go to chill out and Hazel wanted some warmth and rest to set her up for the winter. As her blood is thin she feels the cold and we have had a miserable summer, not the disasters that some suffer of course.
    Hi Cindy, very happy to be on your friends list, sorry about the delay in responding but have been topping up my vitamin D lying by the pool in sunny Sitges , Spain. :D
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