Recent content by msp

  1. M

    Compare Dates within the same table

    Hi - Thanks all fo your help, managed to get it to work, I recreated the module and tried it again, results as expected
  2. M

    Compare Dates within the same table

    Function validateMessageDate(Mdate) ' determines if another message has occured within 10 seconds of the MDate ret = False NDate = DMax("[MessageDate]", "tbl_BaseData", "[MessageDate]>#" & [Mdate] & "#") If (IsNull(NDate) = False) Then ' determines if next highest MessageDate value in...
  3. M

    Compare Dates within the same table

    I have changed it to a function (and updated the SQL- Thanks) still gives a error, seems to be the # that are causing the problem
  4. M

    Compare Dates within the same table

    Hi I have changed it to a function, it seems to be the # that are causing the issue..
  5. M

    Compare Dates within the same table

    Hi, Sorry still having issues with this, my table is called tbl_BaseData, when i try and run the code given i get the message, but i am getting the error, Runtime Error @2465': Microsoft Access can't find the field "|" reffered in your exession I admidt it is prob me doing something...
  6. M

    Compare Dates within the same table

    I have a table which I want to compare the time of two rows, and if the time is within 10 seconds return the two rows and ignore the other rows. i.e. from the table below it would return rows 3 & 4.. Row Date Computer message 1 28/08/2012 22:11:23 Comp1 Problem...
  7. M

    Guantanamo Bay

    I guess the loophole was good in the sort term, but now how do they release guys they have held for 5/6 years, and say we have nothing to charge them with, you are free to go without answering why they have been held for so long. My impression is that once you are there, there is no process to...
  8. M

    Guantanamo Bay

    There appaers to be no proof that these indivuduals are terrorist, if he have no proof that indivuduals are terrorists we should be willing to release them. if we can prove that they are terrorists then throw the book at them..
  9. M

    Guantanamo Bay

    Ken, The point is that, you cannot hold people indefinably without charge at some point they need to be charged and found guilty of something or released. Just because they may be dodgy does not mean they are guilty. The only reason that they cannot be held on American soil is because they...
  10. M

    Guantanamo Bay

    I aggree with you but I cannot see any future administration changing direction...
  11. M

    Guantanamo Bay

    It is very easy to asume that all those held at Guantanamo Bay MUSt be some sort of Terrorist and therefore deserves to be held in detension, however I must admidt that I ammore than a little uncomfortable with the US holding them indefinitely, esp in a place where they have no "rights". Can we...
  12. M

    A USA Boob

    There I was thinking that this thread was about that superbowl half time show...
  13. M

    Why can't the English lose graciously!!

    I am not sure the Aussies never blamed the ref, forward passes etc. They just few home with their tails between their legs, The Eng ref for the France vs New Zealand (Wayne Barnes) even had death threats, and his wilkpedia entry defaced and a "hate" website set up.
  14. M

    Why can't the English lose graciously!!

    I would aggree, I do not think the English have been sore lossers at all. Most Rugby fans I know (bear in mind I have played/been around rugby clubs for 25 years), believe that the try was a very tight call, went against us, shame but never mind (win some/ lose some). Compared to the NZ...
  15. M

    Question on American politics

    Another question, Hilary Clinton has just been re-elected as the Governor of New York (I think) if she (or any other newly elected Governor) goes for president and are in the final running. Do they have to resign from being Governor when they run for President? Or can they return to Governor if...
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