Recent content by narrellj

  1. N

    Solved record loop: need to append multiple records to table when forms field check box is selected.

    THANK YOU @arnelgp !!!! ... amazing!!! your idea helped me with another issue today! you are a master programmer. truly grateful for your continued support and time from your day!!! clearly this for you guys is like putting together blank 2000+ piece jigsaw puzzles. lol :) also thanks to @apr...
  2. N

    Solved record loop: need to append multiple records to table when forms field check box is selected.

    Thank you, will do first thing in the morning. I really am appreciative and amazed at how courteous and responsive this group is. I have read so many of the posts, many from years ago, and to see you all still being so professional and eager to help is really something. Have a great rest of your...
  3. N

    Solved record loop: need to append multiple records to table when forms field check box is selected.

    thankfully i had backups.... this code is really something i had to close out of the db after trying to delete over a million looped records. lol.... thank you for the help. very useful idea generating commands.... sadly i still cant get this thing figured out. as of now i can use only the...
  4. N

    Solved record loop: need to append multiple records to table when forms field check box is selected.

    arnelgp, thank you for the me.dirty code. although the code correctly lists the info for all selected assets it overlooks the applied filter for only available assets. when a new rental package is created i want to only look at the available product and when selected append the checked assets...
  5. N

    Solved record loop: need to append multiple records to table when forms field check box is selected.

    so ive removed the rented field from the record set as suggested. the code runs, but appends the first records data with rented checked for every record in the form. im lost and feel my brain is mush even more so than when i started. thank you to all involved and also to Apr Pillai. Private...
  6. N

    Solved record loop: need to append multiple records to table when forms field check box is selected.

    thank you yes i caught that but i think uncle Gizmo is onto something because even with that it continues to append the same record.
  7. N

    Solved record loop: need to append multiple records to table when forms field check box is selected.

    hello all! i am currently trying to create a code to look at my asset list form and upload selected records based on criteria. the issue is my loop continues to upload the same record over and over rather than moving though the records in the form. can you please help me? thank you so much. as...
  8. N

    Hello.... frustrated newbie

    hello all... im an engineering graduate from the US. I only worked as an engineer for 2 years before moving to ops. i moved to dubai and operate my companies rental business. unfortunately i was told excel is no longer going to work and i needed to set up an access database. 😱 i never even heard...
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