Recent content by NigelBishop

  1. N

    Solved Pass date as a timestamp to SQL Server

    I have altered my approach and am performing the duplication in SQL Server Thank you for your help.
  2. N

    Solved Pass date as a timestamp to SQL Server

    Hello a quick back story I have an access frontend hocked up to an SQL Server backend and all is working fine. I have a form in Access is bound to a table in SQL and manually populating the form causes no issues. I have been asked to add the ability to duplicate records to assist in data entry...
  3. N

    Solved You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column.

    Thank you, after some searching through the code I eventually got it to work. thank you for your help.
  4. N

    Solved You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column.

    Hi, I'm hoping that one of you will be able to assist. I have migrated the access backend of my database to SQL Server and have linked directly to the tables using dns. In the front end of the database there is VBA code which creates an audit trail and I believe that it is probably that which is...
  5. N

    Use records retrieved from SQL server in an Access Report

    This is exactly what I'm trying to accomplish, the penny has just dropped as to what you're saying and the approach I should take. Thank you for your guidance.
  6. N

    Use records retrieved from SQL server in an Access Report

    I understand I am probably trying to make this far more complicated than it need be. I have been asked to migrate my databases to SQL Server, a program I've only had access to for about a month and which I've never used. The long term plan will be to move to some form of web based frontend but...
  7. N

    Use records retrieved from SQL server in an Access Report

    I was hoping that I would not need to create any linked tables are there any ways to do it without having to link tables?
  8. N

    Use records retrieved from SQL server in an Access Report

    following your suggestion I have created a simple view as below [CODE] CREATE VIEW [dbo].[Select_from_tableView] AS Select * from dbo.T_IPTTrackerIssues [CODE] I will eventually want to filter the view but I thought I'd keep it simple for now. I need advice as to what I should enter into the...
  9. N

    Use records retrieved from SQL server in an Access Report

    I have been able to retrieve records from a SQL server and populate a continuous form with the following code [CODE] Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Set conn = New ADODB.Connection conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=IPTTrackerBE;Data...
  10. N

    Filtering records retrieved from SQL server

    Thank you all for your help, it all makes perfect sense now.
  11. N

    Filtering records retrieved from SQL server

    A bit cheeky I know how do I make the change from strArea = "QA" to strArea = [Forms]![F_IPTTrackerIssues1]! [List]?
  12. N

    Filtering records retrieved from SQL server

    instead of sp_executesql what would you recommend?, as you might have guessed i'm new to this game
  13. N

    Filtering records retrieved from SQL server

    Hi I'm hoping one of you lovely people will be able to assist. I am migrating an Access backend to SQL server and have created a stored procedure for retrieving records. USE [IPTTracking] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [Issues].[sp_Select_tabled] Script Date: 04/10/2019 10:40:52 ******/...
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