Recent content by Nouba

  1. Nouba

    Convert hours to hours and minutes

    I didn't look at Pat's sample, but a function like this could be used for customizing the output format. Function TimeSumString(ByVal hrs As Long, ByVal mins As Long) As String TimeSumString = Format$(hrs + mins \ 60, "00") + ":" + Format$(mins Mod 60, "00") End Function
  2. Nouba

    Convert hours to hours and minutes

    CDate(1.333333/24) should give you the desired Value.
  3. Nouba

    Works on one comp, but not another?

    The WhereCriteria should be a legal Where expression of a query without the word where. If your'e using text fields in your expression each value must be surrounded by a pair of '. I. e. "[Computer]='" & Me![computer].Column(2) & "' AND " Dim strWhere As String strDocName = "report1" 'Report...
  4. Nouba

    Display Page footer only once?

    In the page footer's Format event you could try an expression like Me.Section(acPageFooter).Visible = (Me.Page = 1)
  5. Nouba

    Using dates in queries

    You can use the DateAdd function for your purpose. >DateAdd("yyyy", -2, Date())
  6. Nouba

    verticle lines on invoice report

    The problem is described in Microsoft knowledge base Article - 170838 ACC: How to Create a Line That Can Shrink and Grow in a Report
  7. Nouba

    Create shortcut to a file using VBA code?

    You could try the code from the article How to Create an Application's LNK (Shortcut) Files - Workaround.
  8. Nouba

    Set Reports Record Source with Vb

    There might be different ways to set the right query for your report. You can use a public variable in a global modul or lookup at a control value in the report's open event. Some Access-Version (AXP, A2K?) have the OpenArgs argument in the OpenReport method. By using a global variable you...
  9. Nouba

    Set Reports Record Source with Vb

    You can set an appropriate RecordSource for the report in its Open Event.
  10. Nouba

    Crosstab, include all rows

    I just set up a table instead of your query, also I didn't use a criteria for the year. With only one record in qryTally I got the following result Month Total FR IAR EAD January 1 1 0 0 February 0 0 0 0 March 0 0 0 0 April 0 0 0 0 May 0 0 0 0 June 0 0 0 0 July 0 0 0 0 August 0 0 0 0 September 0...
  11. Nouba

    Rich Text Format

    Get the one from Stephen Lebans which is capable showing it's content in a report.
  12. Nouba

    Wizard Help from new user

    You must have activated the magic wand on top in the control toolbar.
  13. Nouba

    week ending list

    Maybe you can set up the combobox in the Load Event of the form with the following procedure. Sub SetLast52Weeks(CboCtl As Access.ComboBox) Dim strRowSource As String Dim i As Integer Dim dtThisWeek As Date ' assuming week starts on Sunday...
  14. Nouba

    Need Help with SQL query...

    I think that the information of the query is not sufficient to be able to get a clear picture of your table structure. Maybe You explain to us how the involved tables stand together in relation.
  15. Nouba

    Query troubl in VBA code.

    I recommend using Debug.Print YourQueryText statements to test the assembeld queries by copying the output to new queries.
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