Recent content by Number11

  1. N

    Solved Calculation Query

    Thank you that works :)
  2. N

    Solved Calculation Query

    Hello, I am looking to have a query total two different fields from two different queries and then subtract one from the other, its working when query 2 has data .. SELECT Q1.[Postcode Area], [Q1].[PR1]+[Q1].[Non_PR1] AS Q1_Total, [Q2].[PR1]+[Q2].[Non_PR1] AS Q2_Total, [Q1_TOTAL]-[Q2_TOTAL] AS...
  3. N

    Bulk Emailer using different body texts

    So i need to create some bulk emailing, using the subject and body stored within a ms access table Table would look like Subject Body I want to use VBS to send email using the data within the table, is such a thing possible
  4. N

    Create Output Query numbers in brackets

    yes that works Query3 Period Expr1001 2. Between One Week And One Month 1 4. Between Three And Six Months 1 5. Greater than Six Months 2
  5. N

    Create Output Query numbers in brackets

    Thanks for the post so i tried this and it didnt work.. SELECT t.Period, Count(*) FROM ( SELECT Switch(DateDiff("d", DateOrdered, Date) < 7, "1. Less Than One Week", DateDiff("m", DateOrdered, Date) <= 1, "2. Between One Week And One Month", DateDiff("m", DateOrdered, Date) <= 3, "3. Between One...
  6. N

    Create Output Query numbers in brackets

    Hello, So i need to have a query output the total figures of orders by age brackets as per the below. Number < week old Number >1 week but < 1 month old Number >1 month but < 3 months old Number >3 months but < 6 months old Number > 6 months whats the best way to do this please?
  7. N

    Make table query - with date in table name

    I know this is an old post but did anyone get this working as i need to do the same create a a table with todays date within the title?
  8. N

    Update a cell ref to get different year data from pivot tables

    currently using find and replace "WeekNo",3123 to "WeekNo",3124
  9. N

    Update a cell ref to get different year data from pivot tables

    so i am looking for a quicker way to update some excel workbooks. I have the data in pivots and use the following to bring the data into the workbook required, each year i have to update each cell to bring in the new years results it takes hours to do and its mind numbing too...
  10. N

    Solved Copy files from Network to a local folder based on last import

    Ok thanks, i am, going to use the robocopy and run from a bat file as think that's much Easy to do thanks anyways
  11. N

    Solved Copy files from Network to a local folder based on last import

    Hi so i am looking for a way to automate copying file from a network folder to a local folder, using say a table that logs the last file date copied? was thinking FileCopy "some_network_drive\*.txt", "C:\importing\" but this wouldn't copy the last few days but all in folder so guessing i...
  12. N

    Have results show on one line per customer order?

    Hello, So i need to have the query show one line per customer order, the fields i have are as follows Order_Date Order_Number Product_ID results i see is Order_Date Order_Number Product_ID 25/06/2024 592572 RRW01 25/06/2024 592572 RYTA02 i would like to see then...
  13. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    Running well now thank you :)
  14. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    thanks also had to change With .OpenTextFile(path, 2) to With .OpenTextFile(col(j & ""), 2) running now...
  15. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    setup the table as you have suggested and started the job it imported all the files within the first folder and deleted them as planned and it threw up this error... if i now try to start the job again its says..
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