Recent content by omer123456

  1. O

    Bought Vs Used calc in Access

    Can you post a sample d/b? So I can see it live Thx a lot
  2. O

    Bought Vs Used calc in Access

    Any solutions from anyone?.....Come on guys take the challenge :-)
  3. O

    Bought Vs Used calc in Access

    Hi, yes I do need to track where everything's consumed So if there is a better way, I am open to it I have x lbs of starting inventory ..... let's say 100 lbs I tell my employees to use 2 lbs in batch They actually use 5 lbs in a batch ..... because they don't always follow instructions :-)...
  4. O

    auto populate

    Take a look
  5. O

    auto populate

    Not sure if I fully understnad, but yes, I am wanting to populate the field 2 & field 3 fields based on my selection of Field 1 Then save it to the form
  6. O

    auto populate

    I have a table with 3 fields Family Description House # What I want my form to do is......... When I select that family, it auto populates description and house # for me...... then save this information in another table. Thanks in advance
  7. O

    New sequential #

    Firstly, thanks for all the replies. Do you the time / patience :-) to write everything you want me to do...... since I am not sure where to srat, but if I had instructions I am sure I can follow. OR I can send you the D/B and you do it, then I will be able to follow. I wont send you...
  8. O

    New sequential #

    Do you know if in ACCESS 2010, this can be done without VBN? I dont know how to manipulate VBN, hence I was wondering if under "properties" we could edit it? Thanks
  9. O

    New sequential #

    Since I am not familiar with VBN Code, can you do a smalll example and post?? Thx
  10. O

    New sequential #

    Hi, I am using Access 2010 We have 3 plants that use the same access D/B. The plants are 22, 33, 44. We have a generic form that launches where operators from each plant can input their samples daily. Example: operator from plant 22 will log in their samples as 22-101, 22-102, 22-103...
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