Just wanted to follow up on this a bit.
Upon rebooting, and adding some code to clear recordsets everywhere possible, it did successfully finish - although it only had roughly 550 files to go. When the problem first occurred, I think it had reached somewhere around 1800 files processed. So, I'm...
Thanks for that idea too. There have only been a couple times in the past where I ended up changing that maxlocksperfile thing. I don’t even remember why.
Yes, the GDAL I’m referring to is indeed for processing graphics files (Geotif files - in this case, with topographic/terrain data.) Among...
OK - Thanks all for the info!
I will try a reboot tomorrow. And I will try some alternate methods as well.
I don't think it can be a syntax issue since the exact same syntax worked - and then didn't work. As far as the distinction between import specs and the so-called "saved" thing - I've...
I've been running some import code successfully for a long while - like hours.
This import step/process is being repeated many hundreds of times. (I'm looping through hundreds of files in a folder, pulling data in from them basically.)
Suddenly, I see this error 3625, with a misleading message...
Just to follow up in general on this - just in case anyone is trying to achieve this same kind of control over focus - with a split form.
I was never able to use the LostFocus with the control of interest - to try to pull focus back to it.
Strangely, I WAS able to put the very same logic on the...
I understand the event model sufficiently to get done what I've needed to get done - up to this point. My only criticism of MS is when things that *seem* like they should be easy - they are not. Having said that, I've found the flipside to be true as well - things that we might consider quite...
Sounds great. I just can't figure out why it won't fire at all. Seems simple enough - Form, BeforeUpdate, event. How can it not fire when I've created a new row in a table/form? We'll see. Thanks!
It's just a bit frustrating is all.
It seems the MS motto should be: "We make the impossible easy, and the easy impossible."
I run into this a lot. I've done MUCH more complicated and difficult things in much less time. I've spent WAY more time than should be needed to simply create a new...
Well - I've certainly used the GoToRecord successfully before - but today - it is not working. It simply would not work. I didn't type actual code/syntax in there - I was just referring to it in general.
My guess is that it may have to do with me using a Split form. I didn't want to mention...
So - for some reason - it doesn't trigger.
I have:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = (Me.txtDB_Schema = "<Enter Schema Name>")
If Cancel <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Please enter a name for the new schema.", vbOKOnly, "Input Required"
End If
End Sub
I put...
OK - Excellent!
I will give that a try.
(I admit I've seldom used "BeforeUpdate" for anything before - controls or forms. I did not know that forms have this too actually - I only recall ever noticing those for controls! All this time! :) )
I'm very frustrated that the many years of experience with Access VBA, still leaves me challenged to do the simplest things.
I have a simple form, connected to a simple table, and I want to perform a simple process - just add a new record.
I'm trying to avoid the scenario where the user keeps...
Mainly - the only reason I'm trying to see if there is a way to avoid importing - is that Access bloats with every import/delete. I can certainly check the box to "Compact On Close", but that seems more bull-in-china-shop than preventing the bloat to begin with. Ha!
Just wanted to add something.
I simply could not get anything to work while looping through input files. So, I gave up on trying to reuse the same temporary file, and instead created a new/separate temporary file for each input file. Seems silly - but for some weird reason, if I do that and wait...