Recent content by PNB

  1. P

    Filter combo box from another combobox

    I'm going to try this: www DOT experts-exchange DOT com/articles/5950/Cascading-Combos-on-Continuous-Forms-and-Datasheets DOT html And see if I can decipher the code and make work with a view only continuous form linked to a subform for the single record form with edit, add and delete enabled...
  2. P

    Filter combo box from another combobox

    Thanks again. But this video only shows what I've already done. My combo boxes worked. (Although my approach had slightly different coding). I've changed to the coding used in the video but I still have the same problems. The problems I have are when changing records the filter does not reset...
  3. P

    Filter combo box from another combobox

    Yeah, I think that's were I got the bits I've done already. I'll search again and deeper and see if I can find something more appropriate. Appreciate the reply RuralGuy!
  4. P

    Filter combo box from another combobox

    I spent hours on this and I’m defeated. I expect the answer is simple, if not I’ll just have to think of another approach. But if anyone knows the answer (and understands what I’ve written, I’ve tried to be clear and simple!) you will make me very, very happy! I have three tables, simplified...
  5. P


    Hi, I'm from the UK and I've been playing with Access for over 10 years to make work easier, although the amount of time I've spent, it would be quicker to go back to pen and paper! I guess it's like John 'Hannibal' Smith said, "I love it when a plan comes together"
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