Recent content by Rania01

  1. R

    VBA excel

    Please help me how to shorten the VBA below, I don't want every column I have to make another VBA, maybe use a loop? but I don't understand how. If you can give me advice The next problem is how to make the name of the export data look like in the column: A1 = Export Data Range C.xlsx A2 =...
  2. R

    Split form with View , Edit , Delete

    I am looking for example of splitform with View , Edit , Delete see photos Thank you in advanced
  3. R

    Solved Userform Textbox

    Dear All, Could you please help how to make the text on textbox little bit to the right zie foto Thank you
  4. R

    Solved Print Report As PDF file

    Thank you arnelqp and June for your help I use de VBA from arnelqp is working
  5. R

    Solved Print Report As PDF file

    me.InvoiceNumber = textboxt with default value = Invoice Number me.Invoice = AutoNumber from the invoice On table invoice format "R"0000 en on form invoice format "R"0000
  6. R

    Solved Print Report As PDF file

    Dear All, With below vba when i print the report i get result Invoice Number 1.PDF ( voor invoice number 1) I Would like the result is : Invoice Number R10001.PDF (see fictur) Private Sub PRINtPDF_Click() Dim FileName As String Dim FilePath As String FileName = Me.Invoice Number & " " &...
  7. R

    Disable New (blank) record on Continuous Forms

    Dear All, Could you please help how to disable New (blank) record on Continuous Forms Thank you
  8. R

    Solved Data Entry Without Userform

    Thank you arnelgp Is working Well Done
  9. R

    Solved Data Entry Without Userform

    Example : If I Select on cell C14:H14 the data on this cell will appear in the form see photos Thank you
  10. R

    Solved Data Entry Without Userform

    Dear All, I hope you can help me, I make data entry in the way if I click in the data All data in the cell will appear in the form I use below VBA to save the data en clear the form Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) On Error GoTo ExcelVba...
  11. R

    Solved VBA Unbound Textbox update

    Dear Bob, I would like if extra day value change on First Date Of Current Month automaticaly change
  12. R

    Solved VBA Unbound Textbox update

    Dear All, How to update Unbound textbox when value on another textbox change First Date Of Current Month = Default Value =DateSerial(Year(Date());Month(Date());1)+[ExtraDay] example if on ExtraDay =2 on First Date Of Current Month = 3/10/2022 is working but I need to close the form and open...
  13. R

    Solved Checkboxes with Yes / No

    Dear arnegp, Sorry now is working thank you you are the best
  14. R

    Solved Checkboxes with Yes / No

    Dear Arnelgp, I just Add below VBA on Current Event en not working Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Current() If Me.DateToday.Value = Me.FirstDate.Value Then Me.Monday.Enabled = False Me.Tuesday.Enabled = False Me.Wednesday.Enabled = False Me.Thursday.Enabled = False Me.Friday.Enabled =...
  15. R

    Solved Checkboxes with Yes / No

    Dear All, I have a form where I have a 7 checkboxes. I want if the value on DateToday the same as the value on FirstDate the checkboxes must be uncheck els check. please help how to resolved this issue, I use below VBA Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Load() If Me.DateToday.Value =...
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