Recent content by rdab100

  1. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    Apologies... the button is just a simple count of how many exist, for now. 11K rows total. c490MB total. Images might be easier but no these are pdf, word, excel and text document attachments. Versions going back 10+ years too so not just one extension either and if there might be mixed too. The...
  2. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    The delimiter I used is ; you could choose something else but this is what SSMA used to separate attachment filenames. There is code out there to use multiple different or even multiple delimiters.
  3. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    The code isn't rocket science... but I know how some like little snippets.... Private Sub Command199_Click() 'this counts the number of values of attachments and returns that number Dim v As Variant Dim sOne As Variant Dim i As Integer i = 0 If IsNull(Attachments) Then...
  4. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    Thanks. Looks like will just go with ONE image if file or files there.
  5. R

    UNC Filepath from File Selector Dialog

    This UNC rather than mapped file path letter is what I had been looking for, saved me lots of time.
  6. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    Thanks. Looks like we are going to go the route of NOT storing the files in the DB just the pointers (not going Var Binary aka BLOB or filestream) about 25% of the records have one or more 'attachments', <5% have more that 4, but have to sort the UNC path etc to the original (which would always...
  7. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    Sadly this is a case of cannot change the application look or feel but have to swap the back end out (that bit was easy) and redo all the code/functionality with SQLServer. Was all going too easy until noted they using attachments. I had kinda hoped given this is all M$ they had this easily in...
  8. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    It is all the code off those 7 buttons (the pop up form that appears if you double click an attachment field on a report) that would be interesting. I note that the paper clip and number appear in some and a little icon saying what 'type' of file it is word, excel, pdf etc... so I guess there...
  9. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    You mean the FileData, FileFlags, FileName, FileTimeStamp, FileType, FileURL fields?
  10. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    I played with creating a DAO recordset from a form as well as the array I mentioned. Dim attachmentfiles As DAO.Recordset Set attatchmentfiles = Forms!Attachments1.filemame Then used the more familiar DAO record set methods to allow you to perform on them.
  11. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    Thanks was sort of aware of the DAO page, I looked at that page first trouble is it did not seem to play nice with UNC paths, or multi entry fields, or more likely was my really bad VBA coding, anyway as was pulling out hair when found the other thread which worked for the save to and adding the...
  12. R

    Why is using GoTo considered bad practice?

    Phew I thought the on error goto would get me lynched :-)
  13. R

    Access DB attachments form and VBA

    Might be a daft question but the functionality of the attachments on an Access DB form. Double click on the field and it opens a form with a listbox (guess) and 7 button on it... Is this form and code documented anywhere? It will be quite a pain to have to recode it so thought I'd ask. I not...
  14. R


    Been a DBA for several decades but had to just do an Access to Access/SQLServer back end migration project the database bit took all of 15 minutes to figure out. The attachment BLOB's are on the file system so just used UNCpath pointers instead which sit in the same attachment column. Realising...
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