Recent content by rgarber

  1. R

    I need a query that collects words from a column and turn it into a string for a forum. Can it be done?

    That was fast! And I thank you for that. Maybe I should have added I'm fairly new to Access recently and first, I wouldn't know where to put the code you wrote not to mention it's Greek to me. Anyway you can explain some of that?
  2. R

    I need a query that collects words from a column and turn it into a string for a forum. Can it be done?

    Back history: This is for a form based on a parent table with another table associated with it called Tags that I've entered words to describe each parent record. The issue: Let's say a query has the result where it yields the following four words from a single column. 3Dfx tutorials...
  3. R

    Solved Need help with displaying ComboBox contents (hyperlink involved)

    Thanks for the suggestions however it occurred to me more as I looked into this the field would have been redundant anyway. It seemed a good idea at the time but I already have a field that links to the purchase page what would they need to go to the vendor home page for? Basically this app is...
  4. R

    Solved Need help with displaying ComboBox contents (hyperlink involved)

    Thanks! Okay, maybe Plan B is a better idea. Like choose the vendor via a Combo link to display the vendor name and then create a field to copy the link to? A field that can display a hyper link? Maybe? Or is there a better way than Plan B?
  5. R

    Solved Need help with displaying ComboBox contents (hyperlink involved)

    In a form I have a ComboBox field which queries a vendor table with just three fields in it: Vendor_ID (autonumber); Vendor Name (text); Vendor Link (html link) The form's table only includes the Vendor_ID for looking up the Vendor Link and it's set to Number. The dropdown box works fine...
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