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  • Hello Rural
    I am trying to link main form and subform for 5 fields. They are


    I am trying to put this at the time of linking Subform. But it is not accepting and message is " "this text your entering is not in the list."

    Kindly guide me where to put the combine sentence of link fields.
    Hope for an early response.
    thanks in advance
    hi, i see your database in this post:

    and i have some doubts and your help would be very, very helpfull for me, first of all, i tried to add more calls from txt, to populate more colluns but doesn't work, the error is that some calls don't have a add or edit function.
    the second doubt i have, is with a field in my data base for pictures, this field estore a relative path inside app folder and the name of a jpg (Foto_XX.jpg), the XX is the number id of the records, i tried to use the same code of my forms, but don't work, this is the code:
    Hi RuralGuy,
    I have just posted a new thread in the VBA code forum. It is a similar query to one I have asked before but with a new twist. You were such a great help on the last query I was wondering if you could please help me out again?
    Thanks Jodie
    Thanks for the invite Alan. Hope your doing well. You must be thawed out by now cos we are starting to feel the cold (not by your standards) and wet. Cheers Peter
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