Recent content by SforSoftware

  1. S

    Close form by code that is in AcDialog Window mode?

    Set in the Form's properties Modal=True and Popup=True, and you should be able to open it in Normal mode.
  2. S

    Search, if no record - pop-up

    Pseudo code: If Me.RecordCount = 0 Then If MsgBox("Nothing found! Create new item?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Me.allownew = True docmd.gotorecord accmdgotonew End If End If
  3. S

    Automating Custom Document Properties In Excel And Word

    Don't use the OutputTo method, but use Automation to create a new file from a template. Then open a recordset and use CopyFromRecordset to put the data into your Excel document.
  4. S

    Exporting Subforms to XML files

    Shouldn't you try to replace: Me!XrayDataOriginalCDQuerySubform.Form.RecordSource = "Select * From XrayDataOriginalCD Where [CaseNumber] = " & """ & selID & """ Application.ExportXML acExportQuery, "XrayDataOriginalCDQuery", "file path here" & [CaseNumber] & ".xml" by Application.ExportXML...
  5. S

    Cause of 'object can't support this method' error using find method?

    In the After-parameter you use 'wb.range', shouldn't that be 'wb.sheets(...).range' ?
  6. S

    Save imported module using code

    Does this help? DoCmd.Save acModule, "Module1"
  7. S

    Chart manipulation in VBA

    maybe this document could help you?
  8. S

    Access's Recordset GUI bug

    Did you try a refresh/recalc at the form? Or try to re-connect the recordset to the form?
  9. S

    msgbox 'hidden' behind form

    Thanx Ken!! Problem seems to be solved by deleting two calculated fields with dlookup's grtz, Bert
  10. S

    msgbox 'hidden' behind form

    thanx, i'll give it a try... (and come back with the results!)
  11. S

    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

    Private Sub cmdButton_Click() On Error GoTo ProcErr If MsgBox(You are about to delete a line. Do you really want to do this?", vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2, "Warning") = vbYes Then DoCmd.SetWarnings False DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord DoCmd.SetWarnings True End...
  12. S

    Opening VBA Editor from a Command Button

    Private Sub Knop0_Click() DoCmd.OpenModule "Form_Form2" End Sub
  13. S

    msgbox 'hidden' behind form

    it are all custom msgboxes, called from macro's or vba.
  14. S

    msgbox 'hidden' behind form

    ok, I tried the 'doevents', but that didn't help anything. Then I tried an 'screen.activeform.refresh'. That seems to solve the problem, but that gives problems with validation in beforeupdate-events (the value is saved by the refresh method). the behaviour of the recalc-method is the same as...
  15. S

    msgbox 'hidden' behind form

    Importing parts of the application is a way to locate the problem, indeed. but the app is very larche so i'd think that'll take more than a week... (also because the problem occurs 'randomized', so it's not easy to reproduce. Yes, I did (both front-end and back-end) and that results in the same...
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