Recent content by skea

  1. skea

    Password Viewer

    Way back before this site was screwed up, i got a .exe file that would just get any access password(NOT that one for the BE). It was cool with a MS Access icon on it. Could anyone be having it anywhere? if so, please post it. I will be very grateful.
  2. skea

    Company Slogan.

    A Security Surveillance firm "In God We Trust.Others We Monitor."
  3. skea

    Is this FRIUT TREE a WINNER.

    Got growing it here,you are shipped behind bars.
  4. skea

    Is this FRIUT TREE a WINNER.

    2 years back, i thought of growing a Fruit tree, some thing that would give me daily income so that i could be able to handle this decade well. So I sat and thought about the JAMBUL Tree.(Orignated In India). I discovered that i would use this Friut to make some Fruit Wine or Vinegar, i would...
  5. skea

    Start a BasketBall Assiociation/League

    Thats very very fantabulous Information for me,Statsman. I will get back.
  6. skea

    Company Slogan.

    If you had a company! Which Slogan would you give it? Or whats the best slogan you've ever read/heard. Here is one for my company: Your Dime Today,Our Code Tomorrow.
  7. skea

    Start a BasketBall Assiociation/League

    Thanks Mailman, that was so Rich. You must have one this way before. Just out of curiosity,what have you done?
  8. skea

    Start a BasketBall Assiociation/League

    namliam. You sound very correct! The money got from subscription and the other staff like ticket sales should be able in all facets, to run the league. But this is something thats going to be started from scratch! Most probably i will have to storm some interested Guys here and there to be...
  9. skea

    Start a BasketBall Assiociation/League

    Thanks Statsman, thats such great advise. Its also a brilliant Idea to make the teams my Partners.That implies that each team will have a representative on the board! And this implies that i would equally share all the profits with them right!, let alone request each and every one's signature...
  10. skea

    Start a BasketBall Assiociation/League

    Hello Folks, i need a few Ideas,Links,Insights and anything that will help me. I am planning to start a Minor Basketball League in my Home Town and Spread it throught the country so that it can even beat the National League.(Start small and grow Big Scenario!). There is only one Basketball...
  11. skea

    One Sentence Challenge That Describes You.

    I am one of the many here for a while doing the best i can.
  12. skea

    One Sentence Challenge That Describes You.

    Whats your one sentence that describes you. It should start with "I am" Something like "I am A Sinner Saved By The Grace"
  13. skea

    VB 2005 - Updating Records

    When using .NET Languages,you will consider treating the DataLayer(SQL Server) and the GUI Layer(Front End) differently. its different from using MS Access because it consists of both Layers so you wont go into so much hastle or do any extra coding. I dont usually use Data Binding!(My...
  14. skea

    Combo box, multiple display members

    In case you dont use a Wizard....or you think of late-binding then you will probably you will need to put your objects in an array or collection and assign that to the DataSource of the ComboBox. You then set the DisplayMember and ValueMember properties of the ComboBox to the names of the...
  15. skea

    Split Container help!

    Simple! use the visible property, or just add forms to the panel. For example when you click Button 1, Add a form with corresponding controls in the panel, when you click button 2, dispose off the other forms and add form 2 with its corresponding controls into the panel. Another way to skin...
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