Recent content by sportsguy

  1. sportsguy

    Linked table date error trapping

    SOLVED: So CJ London wins the "I discovered a lazy data analyst/programmer", 👋 GUILTY I don't use excel, unless i have to. . I started using MS Multiplan prior to it being named Excel (I be old!) and once MS Access appeared on the scene, I started using that in the early 1990's and started...
  2. sportsguy

    Linked table date error trapping

    Yea, was trying to avoid that, since I had figured out the code prior to moving to SQL server admin decades ago, its just lost in the grey matter and who knows where the code is now. .
  3. sportsguy

    Linked table date error trapping

    The file is downloaded as a tab delimited txt file from the SEC website, extracted from a zip file As I typed in the original post, most of the rows convert to date properly in the linked text file specification just fine There are a few lines where the linked file doesn't have a proper entry to...
  4. sportsguy

    Linked table date error trapping

    Didn't work, none of the IsFunctions work: IsError didn't work, IsNumeric didn't work, IsDate didn't work. . That was my last attempt, I remember I did it once about 15 -20 years ago. . Function UploadTime(anyTime As Variant) As Date If IsDate(anyTime) = True Then UploadTime = anyTime...
  5. sportsguy

    Linked table date error trapping

    Good afternoon whereever you are in the world! I have a linked table from a text file with a date time field. When I open up the table to look at the data in the date time field, there are many date stamps, and a few #num! I am wanting to trap the error and return null . . . Function...
  6. sportsguy

    Solved Excel VBA error I don't understand

    Thanks Issac, the article was helpful, and I switched to a range object due to the error message "424 Object required" as the text variable doesn't work However, this code works, and the RefersTo: is a range object, so I didn't set the range object correctly. Here is the answer which works...
  7. sportsguy

    Solved Excel VBA error I don't understand

    Goal is to loop through a subset of sheets in the workbook and set a local sheet range name based with the same cell per sheet. Sub CreateRangeName() On Error GoTo Err_RN Dim myCell As Range For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets ws.Activate Range("Z1").Select...
  8. sportsguy

    Connecting access front end forms to sql server tables

    Absolutely correct, there are ways to do when inserting rows, use the data entry = True on the access subform. This prevents downloading the whole table, which can blow up access. Or put IS NULL in any required field in the subform query to prevent downloading the whole table, or some sort of...
  9. sportsguy

    Which ODBC diver to use?

    on the server, every table has a primary key, i am the admin the SQL Server, and all has been running fine, until the latest patches applied over the weekend to SQL Server 2016 in the data center. The server has the updated ODBC and matches my laptop version . . . . going through the standard...
  10. sportsguy

    Which ODBC diver to use?

    actually i am on 2017.178.01.01 and the errors are several, even changing the where/ filter on the query, and at rerun ODBC says that the link is irretrievably broken
  11. sportsguy

    ODBC access very slow when form is open

    I have the same slow issue, though not related to a Dlookup with the same ODBC driver to SQL Server 2016 in the company data center. THinking we need to update the server virtual machine to SQL 2019 in the data center Thanks
  12. sportsguy

    Which ODBC diver to use?

    That's the same one I am using and I Ioaded the x64 for my configuration, the question is now x32 or x64 works better with O365 x32? Have any opinions? thanks in advance sportsguy
  13. sportsguy

    Which ODBC diver to use?

    Windows 10 x64 MS Office 365 x32 On Prem Azure billing SQL Server 2016 x64 version 13.0.5882.1 the latest SQL Server update patches require the use of the latest ODBC driver I loaded the SQL Server 2017 x64 version to my laptop, but I am still getting some weird errors when MS Access queries...
  14. sportsguy

    Occasional Access O365 issue but significant

    @Minty I just finished importing everything in to a new database, and works fine. . . I have never lost as much work as I have with O365. I hate it, but i do like the cloud disk on my personal O365 account. . . though there can be some version control issues as in which file did i open and...
  15. sportsguy

    Occasional Access O365 issue but significant

    I have a very nice front end database connected to a back end *.mdb database, all on my local drive. Everything works fine all day long, the next day, like this morning, I open the database, the home/start form pops up nicely, and any button button i click, crashes MS access, just quits...
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