Recent content by Surjer

  1. Surjer

    Hello from Down South

    Welcome Alberto!
  2. Surjer application (sql server express)

    lol @ newly registered user...
  3. Surjer application (sql server express)

    Maybe not the right forum to ask in but I am curious if there is a simple solution to deploying a single database that my application will access. My VB.NET application simply uses a System.Data.SqlClient to connect to an instance I have locally. I want to send my mdf file and let the user...
  4. Surjer

    Newbie Web designer

    +1 for OSC.. REALLY easy a flexible package. You will need to get around in PHP but there is SOOO much help for it its mostly just Find this text.. and replace with this text.. So if you can think logically and follow instructions from other members you should be set to go!
  5. Surjer

    Scan web Folder for Viruses

    I am building a site in which users will be uploading "photo's" to my a web host. Is there anyway I can scan these files for virus's before I download them? The website is going to be an ecommerce site in which I will have users uploading images that the client will work on. The client has...
  6. Surjer

    Loop in excel - any suggestions?

    Please post your code and we can advise. It would seam to me you would simply keep track of where you are pasting data and count the amount of data you have copied. Once its copied you would move up to the next available range. Are you not doing that?
  7. Surjer

    Access 2003, vb6 issue with memo field

    See! Sometimes we just have to take a step back and get out of Ohh S*** mode and look at the problems from a broader view! Glad you got it sorted!
  8. Surjer

    Transition from Access Based form app to web based interface

    In short, I do not know of an easy way to take an Access Application and just magically create a web site out of it. Matter of fact, I have had to start from scratch on every site I have done. (You can still use your tables to store the data) but the front end will have to be written in...
  9. Surjer

    Access 2003, vb6 issue with memo field

    Have you stepped through your code while its running? I am assuming you are populating your controls from the text returned from the SQL statement. You are probably storing that in a variable? Walk through your code line for line and see if anything jumps out unexpected. (I do this all the...
  10. Surjer

    Open OLE object

    Create a control on your form and then populate it like this... (In my case it was a picture so I had a control Named Sketch... [Sketch].OLETypeAllowed = acOLEEmbedded [Sketch].SourceDoc = rs.Fields(1) [Sketch].Action = acOLECreateEmbed [Sketch].SizeMode = acOLESizeStretch
  11. Surjer

    Creating Flash Video's

    What is a good (REALLY CHEAP) software for creating small flash files. Somthing to make small little banners and intro's using still's and some music...
  12. Surjer

    Updated Record using ADODB

    what error are you getting. I havent done this in a while but it appears you are running an update query where you cant. Have you tried running the SQL? Is this a Form In ACcess? I would recomend doing a DoCmd.RunSQL sqlStr
  13. Surjer


    Search is our friend lol
  14. Surjer

    Upgrading to sql server express

    Thank you. (insert extra text to make the message long enough)
  15. Surjer

    Upgrading to sql server express

    On somewhat of a related note - How do I migrate my access tables into SQL Express?
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