Recent content by teiben

  1. T

    eliminating middle initial

    using SELECT SplitReturn(patientname, " ", 0) As [Last Name], SplitReturn(patientname, " ", 1) As [First Name] FROM Table1 works Great.. even tried it with a person with 5 names1:):):):):):)
  2. T

    eliminating middle initial

    tried the Public Function SplitReturn(ByVal str As String, _ ByVal delimiter As String, _ ByVal index As Integer) As String SplitReturn = Split(str, delimiter)(index) End...
  3. T

    eliminating middle initial

    one time deal
  4. T

    eliminating middle initial

    shorted word length return 2
  5. T

    eliminating middle initial

    error in the code 'undefined function Shortestword length in express. Just need the query to ignore anything in the third, fourth, etc in the field, this will be the case 90% of the time. So all middle names, Jr, etc. would be returned,,
  6. T

    eliminating middle initial

    This will be used in a query. Understood this will not work in all cases, ie. some people have 5 or 6 names, but should work 90%+ of the time. Some examples are Flintstone Fred M. Flintstone Wilma Marie Flintstone Babmab Jr Flintstone Fred Barney Jr
  7. T

    eliminating middle initial

    I'm rusty and could use help, I have table where First Name, Last Name and Initial are all in one field. What is the syntax to remove initial? Been playing with Right and Len with no success, I'm sure this has been done before.
  8. T

    I need to create a Quarter field in a table

    Thanks, I tried this to and couldn't get the Q to show, seems like the "\ has something to do with it?
  9. T

    multiple dates <>

    Need to automate the process of pulling data from a db, but unsure of how to proceed, instead of the typical enter a date or enter a date range, i need to enter up to 7 dates to exclude from a data pull. I understand how to do it in a paramter query, how would this been done on a form? Most...
  10. T

    multi part IIF syntax

    I'm stuck, i have a rather long iff statement and i can get part of it to work with only two conditions: I understand the logic of it iif(test,True,False) what i need is the iff statement to check a [statefield] for 10 possible matching states, ie. WhatToDo: IIf([statefield]="AL" Or...
  11. T

    Nz? Syntax

    Also tried SELECT tbltypesCardio.idcardiotype, tbltypesCardio.cardiotype, tbltypesCardio.idcardiotype FROM tbltypesCardio GROUP BY tbltypesCardio.cardiotype, tbltypesCardio.idcardiotype, tbltypesCardio.idcardiotype;
  12. T

    Nz? Syntax

    TRANSFORM Count(Nz([idcardiotype],0)) AS Expr1 SELECT Query1.idcardiotype FROM Query1 GROUP BY Query1.idcardiotype, [idcardiotype]+Nz([idcardiotype]) PIVOT Query1.cardiotype;
  13. T

    Nz? Syntax

    no there is no select query, just a crosstab, so there's: Row Heading a Column Heading and the expression which is count, which works fine on the idcardiotype but i can't seem to use the nz command correctly. Are you saying it doesnt work in crosstabs?
  14. T

    Nz? Syntax

    [idcardiotype]+Nz([idcardiotype]) and Expr1: Count(Nz([idcardiotype],0))
  15. T

    Nz? Syntax

    I thought I've done this before, searched Nz w/no luck, any who, i have a cross tab query which works correctly, but I want it to return 0 instead of blanks, this is my syntax in a query: expr1: idcardiotype count value
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