Recent content by tezread

  1. T

    Latest date

    anyone? lol
  2. T

    Latest date

    Hi all I have a table called dbotransfer with a list of transfer episodes (Primary key is EpisodeID) Another table called dboTransferJournal has a list of journal entries relating to episodes. in dbotransfer table. (One to many relationshuip set up) There are several journal entries for...
  3. T

    Order integer in cross tab query

    anyone? lol
  4. T

    Order integer in cross tab query

    In a query I have a field Days: Int(IIf(tbl_Data!DaysRequestToProcedure1<0,"0",IIf(tbl_Data!DaysRequestToProcedure1>=12,"12",tbl_Data!DaysRequestToProcedure1))) That field is referenced in a cross tab query PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmRptDialogSingle]![begdate] DateTime...
  5. T

    Eliminate Duplicates

    Can you not store the email addresses in a table and have the field 'email' indexed with 'no duplicates' selected?
  6. T

    DoCMd Refresh

    Yes i spotted that as well after abit of tinkering I noticed - I could use the RefreshRecord function as well but for some reason its not working in Access 2003!! Tried searhcing for a way to overcome this but to no avail Requery works great but I have another form, and when I make updates...
  7. T

    Adding Passwords to Forms

    there are lots of samples on this forum for passwords. search 'login form' and see how many you get!
  8. T

    How do i requery listbox in subform

    Check out DoCMD.REquery. You can embed that in one of the fields on the form see the AfterUpdate() property for the field and code behind that could be DoCmd.Requery
  9. T

    Listing data below form

    I suggest you look up normalization Dave. As it stands you database needs some work on normalization. The relationships aren't worked out well yet. There is forum for normalization on here. As a started you should have a table for clients called tblClients. This should have a unique...
  10. T

    DoCMDRequery creates new record?

    I have a form that has a a series of list boxes on it. These list boxes are warnings for the staff that follow up is needed to treat patients see attachment If we take the embolic risk listbox (see right), click on a patient in that list, then on the form on the left, go to the discharge tab...
  11. T

    DoCMd Refresh

    As I understand it, the Recalc functions reevaluates calculated controls on the form. The Requery method tells Access to go and re-fetch the data underlying the query since something may have changed since it was last queried (or form opened). The score on my form is a subform with a query as...
  12. T

    DoCMd Refresh

    Ah I see will look into the options vbainet as there seems to be more than one answer to this
  13. T

    DoCMd Refresh

    Good point about the save command. I have removed it. I have put Me.Recalc in the forms 'On load' property. It works fine but when making changes to data, I have noticed the tab order jumps back to zero on the tab index every time a change is made
  14. T

    DoCMd Refresh

    The first field in subfrmepisode is Date referred. In that Lost focus property I have put DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord Also I have removed instances of DoCmd.Refresh and changed it to DoCmd.Requery I am going to test it on Access 2003 to see if it works
  15. T

    DoCMd Refresh

    have it working now!! BUT It works fine on my Access 2010 but when trying it on Access 2003, I get a 'method or data not found' error message??
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