Recent content by theDBguy

  1. theDBguy

    Hi, Introducing myself

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  2. theDBguy

    Solved Exporting Image Files from Table - Having File Naming Issues

    Have you checked out the Name As statement?
  3. theDBguy

    Solved Exporting Image Files from Table - Having File Naming Issues

    Check your records to make sure they don't contain any illegal characters for filenames.
  4. theDBguy

    Hello everybody, complete novice looking for help.

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  5. theDBguy

    Solved How to create new record from filtered record

    Take a look here.
  6. theDBguy

    Hi from the Netherlands

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  7. theDBguy

    Solved How to create new record from filtered record

    So, are you trying to add a single or multiple new records in one go? If only one record, then you don't need a loop (Do While).
  8. theDBguy

    Solved How to create new record from filtered record

    What is the value in Me.cboInvReversal? When you filter the records, how many records do you end up having? If more than one, are you saying to want to create that many records?
  9. theDBguy

    Solved How to create new record from filtered record

    To add a record, you would use .AddNew instead of .Edit
  10. theDBguy

    Hello Forum

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  11. theDBguy

    LogIn hidden

    Hi. Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.
  12. theDBguy

    LogIn hidden

    Hi. Welcome to AWF! Instead of hiding the form, maybe you could try resizing it to a very small size that's it's nearly invisible. Check out the MoveSize method.
  13. theDBguy

    Hello! From one huge nerd to another!

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  14. theDBguy

    autobackup database

    Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.
  15. theDBguy

    Solved Display Less Decimal Point Accuracy To What Is Stored In Calculated Field Of Query

    Have you tried using the Format property? Just a thought...
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