Recent content by thunder

  1. T

    FINAL STEPS TO GO, heeeeelp

    hi experts i have just finished working in my database and i want to make a final touch if there is a method to make the login screen to be more advanced for example the button of logging will not appear until you type the correct username and password and if the password is given x times a...
  2. T

    distinguish letters from numbers

    of what i understood being not one of english native speakers i would say and suggest that by a simple query in design mode and under the hospital name in the criteria feild you put LIKE plus * and any part of the name of the hospital if that was the answer its ok if not , inform me to know
  3. T

    distinguish letters from numbers

    may i ask if what you are asking about (letters) and (numbers) or letters as text an numbers which are involved in calculations
  4. T

    application to quit after three invalid password enteries, please help

    thank you thank you thank you
  5. T

    application to quit after three invalid password enteries, please help

    hi experts i now use this code private sub login_click() username.setfocus if isnull (username) then msgbox "please enter username",vbcritical,"username is missing" elseif isnull (password) or password = "" then msgbox "please enter password",vbcritical,"password missing" end if if username =...
  6. T

    Experts View needed... search and fill function in a form...

    your question is - as i think is answered here you can make the name field as a query and the number or code or what ever is the criteria
  7. T

    Image on MS Access 2003 form is "zoomed in" after Project 2007 install:

    the image control property would be stretch i think
  8. T

    Experts View needed... search and fill function in a form...

    the answer is beside making the table is the DLOOKUP for the name
  9. T

    Log in problem

    please help from the experts Hi All in the attached file i tried to make the login screen to be a good one but i failed so wanted to know how to 1- user name entered without a password (msgbox "password missing") 2- password entered without a user name (msgbox "User Name missing") 3- if the...
  10. T

    Image Control

    Bloating !!!! yes and very so change it to a text box containing the image path and then with a small image frame with data source the textbox you created so the images will be linked not embeded
  11. T

    a flashing screen during switching from one form to another

    First of all i should ask a question? Why opening many forms at the same time !!!!!!!!!? The form which needs to be active and visible is the menu form after that you can link them by macros (close form and open form) with buttons and if that takes time you can make splash screens when...
  12. T

    can forms capture a whole screen??

    i was to say yes but unfortunately no because access as it is a private program that goes to microsoft so they must make the menues and scroll bars appear so they keep the upper hand on all the users not like Visual Basic
  13. T

    Conditional Printing

    private sub form_load() if textbox."name".value >0 then textbox."name".visible=true else textbox."name".visible=false end if end sub
  14. T

    Msg BOXES

    to make a report to return a msg box saying that there is no records i want the the query do it to and the form i did it with reports with report no data( cancel as integer) and it worked but i can not do it with both queries and forms
  15. T

    Parent-Child Form

    Hitech Is absolutley right do not worry if there is data or not you are going to delete it after all
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