Recent content by tltanhueco1990

  1. tltanhueco1990

    Scenario to RDBMS in SQL Server

    Yes. I just needed guidance on this. I'm not actually asking for the right answers.
  2. tltanhueco1990

    Good Day!

    Late reply, buddy but thanks for the welcome!
  3. tltanhueco1990

    Scenario to RDBMS in SQL Server

    Good day, everyone! I have this new project where I need to turn these scenarios into a DB with ERDs by CREATE DATABASE/CREATE TABLE without typing any actual queries, but all tables are in a one-to-many relationship: I need to set associated primary keys and foreign keys to each other...
  4. tltanhueco1990

    Solved Multiple MonthName() in a Single Query using MS Access?

    We actually needed the JOIN function? Noted! Thanks!
  5. tltanhueco1990

    Solved Multiple MonthName() in a Single Query using MS Access?

    The 1st 2 queries are done, thanks to your amazing support! Is counting the number of admission by year from every province like this: SELECT Year([admission_date]) AS [Year], province_names.province_name, Count(admissions.patient_id) AS Total FROM province_names GROUP BY...
  6. tltanhueco1990

    Solved Multiple MonthName() in a Single Query using MS Access?

    This will be most helpful! Thank you so much!
  7. tltanhueco1990

    Isaiah 60:22.

    Isaiah 60:22.
  8. tltanhueco1990

    Close Button (X in upper right corner) Doesn't Close Access

    With cheese grates as torn skin for added falir~
  9. tltanhueco1990

    Solved Multiple MonthName() in a Single Query using MS Access?

    I’m supposed to follow this relationship table. Now, I ponder where to get MonthName(). A close professor of mine just stated that I just need 3 statements: COUNT GROUP BY ORDER BY
  10. tltanhueco1990

    Solved Multiple MonthName() in a Single Query using MS Access?

    Here's the full DB I'm trying to identify. I can't seem to zip it, so I'll send the file here directly. I have 3 queries to work on: a. Counting the number of Diseases by Year. b. Counting the number of Admission by Year and Month. c. Counting the number of Admission by Year from every Province.
  11. tltanhueco1990

    Solved Multiple MonthName() in a Single Query using MS Access?

    Thank for sharing, ebs! A rather strange part is that I have no table for the month of the admission date within the relationship.
  12. tltanhueco1990

    Solved Multiple MonthName() in a Single Query using MS Access?

    SELECT Year(#11/3/2023#) AS [Year], MonthName(1) AS [Month], Count(*) AS Total FROM admissions GROUP BY Month([admission_date]) The output is a blank query. Might I ask why the 'MonthName(Month(admission_date)), Month([admission_date])' part?
  13. tltanhueco1990

    Close Button (X in upper right corner) Doesn't Close Access

    Doesn't happen to mine! Could be a bug in the system. If it happens occasionally, have you tried deleting and reinstalling Access? It sometimes works.
  14. tltanhueco1990

    Solved Multiple MonthName() in a Single Query using MS Access?

    Thanks again for responding! I also had this syntax error with the MonthName() part where it states the message: "Your query does not include the specified expression 'Month(admission_date)' as part of an aggregate function." Which is strange because I have an 'admission_date' on my...
  15. tltanhueco1990

    But of course! "El" and "La" differs in Espanol.

    But of course! "El" and "La" differs in Espanol.
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