Recent content by torz

  1. T

    Form filtering & creating query - Then move top X to new table

    Hey all Tried to find things but being a mix of a couple of different actions havn't been able to actually find it :( So basically I found a awesome form somewhere that builds the SQL query based on all the users selections. When you hit the create button it will save the query and update the...
  2. T

    Help with progress metre

    Thanks to everyone! you all have been great :) Managed to get it working pretty easy with the single metre, but trying to get the duel to work just didn't seem to make sense to me because of the way I have it working at the moment. It's basically grabbing the rs count that it needs to check...
  3. T

    Help with progress metre

    Firstly thanks to you all, it got real interesting really quick :D and I think I have hours of fun ahead of me with all the links now as well! Okay, so what is happening (I'm sure ther e is a better way like XHTML but haven't worked out exactly how to do it that way yet.) So people submit a...
  4. T

    Help with progress metre

    Thanks :) I think i remember seeing this one a while back but wouldn't really work in this situation... The function that the bar is going to be used for the is retreaving a random amount of records from a website adding them to a table & then there is some joining and stuff going on. So the...
  5. T

    Help with progress metre

    Hey guys, Hoping someone could explain how the attached progress metre is supposed to work? I was trying to use the one with the 2 bars on there... Basically, I just copied the code from the button that ran the progress metre on their form into my from (which is behind a button as well). also...
  6. T

    INSERT VBA query

    I did something similar but this is a much easier way :) its go through 38 of the 200 odd records so far with out any issues so fingers crossed :)
  7. T

    INSERT VBA query

    Nope comes back with syntax error in date in query expression '#' error. The above will work if both the resolve & closed dates happen to be populated, but they won't always be populated @ the time of this query being executed. the above worked as intended when changing the #'s to ' on the...
  8. T

    INSERT VBA query

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Still having problems :mad::banghead::confused::eek::mad::banghead::banghead::banghead: So here is what I currently have, which is basically working fine. The only issue that I have now is that it freaks out if the lblClosedDate & lblLastResolvedDate are blank (using the...
  9. T

    INSERT VBA query

    it still did not like that, pretty sure that was one of the original that I tried :) finally got it working with the replace function CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [tempITAM]([iTamNumber], [lblLastResolvedDate], [lblClosedDate], [txtDescription], [txtDetailedDescription], [txtWorkLog]...
  10. T

    INSERT VBA query

    I'm obviously doing it wrong, when I replace the '" & txtdetail '" & txtDetailedDescription & "' with Replace(txtdetaildescription, "'","''") it seems to comment out the remaining part of the query?
  11. T

    INSERT VBA query

    the itamnumb starts with INC which is why it is the way it is and working fine, I thought it might have been that the detailed description had ' in it, and you have confirmed my suspicion. how should I lay out the detaildescription instead of '"txtdetaildescription"' ? I have tried just about...
  12. T

    INSERT VBA query

    Hey guys, I'm not sure where this has gone wrong, done a lot of searching and googling and different attempts with the " & ' but just can't seem to find it... Basically its scrapping a webpage and then fires the below to add it all into a table. It works perfectly with debug.print, but the table...
  13. T

    IE Automation

    No one knows how to get the java links/functions to run using vba automation?? Someone must! :D
  14. T

    Assistance with Query - Show with count > 1 between 2 dates

    does anyone have any idea why this is still showing a record for CustID that does not have a count of >1 within the last 7 days??
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