Recent content by troutusa

  1. T

    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    I just tried using the Ribbon to open the Preview and Print the report. The report opened and printed without delay. The problem is trying to control the report from VBA. I use a command button and the following code: Private Sub btnPrint_Click() DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrintPreview End Sub...
  2. T

    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    There is some code in the report, but I added "debug.print 'Begin/End [section name]' & Now()" to any code. The timestamps in the immediate window indicated that all code was executed in less than a second. What I did try was to use the Ribbon commands to open the Print Preview, and to Print...
  3. T

    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    The print preview page displays instantly. I can scroll page one, but I can not go to page 2, close the print preview, or print the report. (I use a command button on the report that runs the following: Private Sub btnPrint_Click() DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrintPreview End Sub I just tried...
  4. T

    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    38 records in data source query. Query runs immediately. There are 2 unbound controls with calculated data. The data is the full path name, and the version. (I added debug.print to the code with a time stamp for retrieving this data. The data is pulled in immediately according to the start and...
  5. T

    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    I have a report in access that when I open it up, it opens quickly as expected. When I try to print preview or print to a printer, the report takes way too long to print. (20 minutes or more before the report prints and access responds to mouse clicks.) I am wondering if there is a way to find...
  6. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    @mike60smart I've tried to add in Effects form. I'm working sfrmSongEffects. I want to include a NotInList procedure to the cboPreset control. The form does what I want but gets stuck in this endless loop of adding the new Preset. (The NotInList keeps getting triggered because the list is not...
  7. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    Thank you for that clear explanation. I see what you mean. I am sure my problems with the forms are due to my table structures. If I normalize the data properly, the forms will just be bull work. My biggest problem is that I need the brand and VST details for each track, but they are dependent...
  8. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    This look really good except for assigning the tblPType_Name in the sfrmPreset. I tried to change it to a combobox and add tblPType_ID to the subform's query. Access would not allow me to use a combobox to make a selection. I think I know a way around this. (Add an unbound combobox under the...
  9. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    But I need the supporting data to help find the Preset, I also need to save the VST_ID with the Preset_ID as Preset_Names can be duplicates.
  10. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    @mike60smart Unfortunately, it still presents the same problem. The form is trying to update records that should be read only and, in the end, creates a record with duplicate PKs that prevent a record from being saved or changed. I'm thinking I just connect sfrmTrackDetails with frmSong for...
  11. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    Yes. I can filter out "Effects" presets for sfrmTrackDetails and exclude any presets that are not "Effects" for sfrmTrackEffects and sfrmSongEffects. I only need the details from tblTrack displayed here, but each track includes at least one Preset. (The join table tblTrackPreset takes care of...
  12. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    @GaP42: Current Progress I added forms to add the supporting data and created a Splash screen. The supporting data forms still need plenty of work, but they were sufficient to enter a great deal of supporting data. I thought a few days away from frmSong might give me some new perspective. My...
  13. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    My goal is to store the settings only. I need to know the presets and the track information. I can back up the midi events digitally. I've experienced loss of information in the past where I don't know the preset for a track, or all the presets for a song. Having this documentation helps me...
  14. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    Track has: 1. Order Number 2. Name 3. A Type (Instrument, Controller, Sound Clip) 4. A Preset 5. 1 or more Effects Preset has: 1. Name 2. VST (the program that generates the sound, or sample collection name.) 3. Brand (The creator/seller of the VST) Note: It is important to know the VST and...
  15. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    I have not been able to link the Presets with the Tracks. I have a number of presets, VST's and Brands loaded into my DB project. I also have songs and tracks. I just can't link the tracks and presets together. I have posted a sample of the DB so far. See SongDB attachment in previous...
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