Recent content by txgeekgirl

  1. txgeekgirl

    Referencing an unopened Form With a String reference

    We constantly test code as we build. Especially when we have so much back coding.
  2. txgeekgirl

    Referencing an unopened Form With a String reference

    We ended up passing the string and then dealing with the form as a routine passing controls to a master temporary form. We found that there is a limit to the number of controls allowed on a form and just because you delete or flush - the behind the scenes control index does not flush.
  3. txgeekgirl

    Referencing an unopened Form With a String reference

    I am not sure what part of this he is building - but it's a way to build forms on the fly as part of a master form based off of the end users choices to questions. Based on their answers, the master form builds off of the other forms.
  4. txgeekgirl

    Referencing an unopened Form With a String reference

    @Chris - The Update Requests 1-99 is intentional.
  5. txgeekgirl

    Referencing an unopened Form With a String reference

    I just sent this to my boss... so far - this is the answer that makes the most sense.
  6. txgeekgirl

    Referencing an unopened Form With a String reference

    Here’s another example of something that almost works: Dim theform as Form Dim frm As AccessObject Set frm = CurrentProject.AllForms(myForm) MsgBox frm.Name Set theform = frm dummy = FixForm(myform, Me.Flowchart) I shows the message box with the correct form name in it, but bombs on the...
  7. txgeekgirl

    Referencing an unopened Form With a String reference

    yes - the Docmd.Open does work. I need to pass to my function a name of a form in form type. The name is a string because it could be 1 of any 99 at a given time.
  8. txgeekgirl

    Referencing an unopened Form With a String reference

    I have a string that contains the name of a form, something like “Update Requests 1”. It has to start as a string because the digit at the end will change based on user interaction. The digit could be up to 99 so a giant case statement is unmanageable. I need to populate a variable of data...
  9. txgeekgirl

    Manage Users and permissions Access 2010

    What I hate about Access 2010 is the way you have to lock down a DB so that the End Users don't screw it up! I have massive problems with this and then after all of the coding and seeing that it worked at the server level - when RDP'd into, some of the locks don't trigger. So - we have taken...
  10. txgeekgirl

    Manage Users and permissions Access 2010

    Well - I have built in a couple of different tells - like in the userlog using administrator check, using different switchboards. The other way I set permissions is using Powershell Code in the Folder Sharing permissions area per user. We host our DBs on a 2008 Win Server and for the most...
  11. txgeekgirl

    Manage Users and permissions Access 2010

    I have attached everything you need to make the security work. The UserLog is hosted in a centrally located database and used for all database permissions but I included here. There is one place in the VBA to put your domain to establish the LDAP connection.
  12. txgeekgirl

    Manage Users and permissions Access 2010

    I will try to throw something together for you be Friday. Really an LDAP connection with the UserLog Table is all you need. The code will double check against LDAP for user group and permissions and then against the UserLog for Database permissions specific to that DB. For instance - I have a...
  13. txgeekgirl

    Pipe Delimited CSV file from Q

    Bob - You ROCK! Thank you!
  14. txgeekgirl

    Pipe Delimited CSV file from Q

    OK - Bob - you are back up on deck! (apporpriate for the soon ending baseball season) This is building my query results into a series of stacked strings where instead of each record being on a line, it stacking them FirstRecord FirstRecordSecondRecord FirstRecordSecondRecordThirdRecord I...
  15. txgeekgirl

    Pipe Delimited CSV file from Q

    Are you kidding me Bob - You are the awesomest air code writer!
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