Recent content by voidcranium

  1. voidcranium

    Keep track of each transaction?

    Thanks JANR, Ill try these out this weekend. I want to know all this stuff. Is there an easy fix for empty text boxes? I'm running into a problem where if the text box has nothing in it I get an error message. Right now I'm using a bunch of IF statements to put a zero in it if it's empty...
  2. voidcranium

    Keep track of each transaction?

    The Bottom one. '" & Replace(Me.[Item Description], "'", "''") & "', '" & Replace(Me.Stock, "'", "''") & "'
  3. voidcranium

    Keep track of each transaction?

    Thanks David that works perfectly. Now I just need to understand why and how that works. :)
  4. voidcranium

    Keep track of each transaction?

    Thank you David that works. I have one problem tho. If I have an item with quotations in the description area I get an error message - Error 3075. Some of our Items are listed as "Special" or "Sale" or 11" Blue. This is what Im using. Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "INSERT INTO History([Item...
  5. voidcranium

    Keep track of each transaction?

    Ok, I got this to work. I created an append query; this is the SQL code for the query. INSERT INTO History ( [Item #], [Part #], [Item Description], Stock ) SELECT [Forms]![Output Calculations].[Item #] AS [Item #], [Forms]![Output Calculations].[Part #] AS [Part #], [Forms]![Output...
  6. voidcranium

    Keep track of each transaction?

    Thanks for the info David. Im looking into an append query. I have a form that uses the Open Order query that has a command button I use for perform certain calculations and then flags the item as DONE. Could I put an append query in the code section of my command button? I haven't done...
  7. voidcranium

    Keep track of each transaction?

    Hello, I'm not exactly sure where to put this so I put it here. Here is my question. I have an existing Work Order database that prints out a Work Order every time we need to produce that item but, each time we print it, it overwrites the previous data: ie; date, quantity ran, quantity ordered...
  8. voidcranium

    SQL question - finding same number either + or -

    Here is the final query that works. SELECT Ap.VenNum AS VendorNumber, Ap.GrossAmt, ApVenTest.VenName, Abs([Ap].[GrossAmt]) FROM ApTest AS Ap INNER JOIN ApVenTest ON Ap.VenNum = ApVenTest.VenNum WHERE (((Abs([Ap].[GrossAmt])) In (SELECT ABS(Ap.GrossAmt) AS ABSOLUTEGross FROM ApTest Ap...
  9. voidcranium

    SQL question - finding same number either + or -

    I'm BACKK. :):) I have a couple questions. Using this query: SELECT Count(ApTest.VenNum) AS VendorTotals, ApVenTest.VenName AS VendorName, ApTest.VenNum AS VendorNumber FROM ApTest INNER JOIN ApVenTest ON ApTest.VenNum = ApVenTest.VenNum WHERE (((ApTest.VenNum)>1)) GROUP BY ApVenTest.VenName...
  10. voidcranium

    SQL question - finding same number either + or -

    OK. I now know what you are talking about. I changed this - ABSOLUTEGross: IIf(ApTest.GrossAmt<0,ApTest.GrossAmt*-1,ApTest.GrossAmt) To this - Expr1: Abs([ApTest].[GrossAmt]) Aside from the format it is the same data. Thanks.
  11. voidcranium

    SQL question - finding same number either + or -

    That's what it is. I was only looking at it in SQL view and trying to make the changes there. Now when I look at it in Design view I can see the difference between it and SQl view. Thanks for that.
  12. voidcranium

    SQL question - finding same number either + or -

    I don't think it is reinventing the wheel if you have never invented the wheel in the first place. My boat is not floating that's why I am asking questions. I don't know why that code won't work. It just doesn't if I move 'ABSOLUTEGross' from the end to the front with Colon's. I have tried...
  13. voidcranium

    SQL question - finding same number either + or -

    I think I have the other query working. SELECT ApTest.VenNum, ApTest.GrossAmt, IIF(ApTest.GrossAmt<0,ApTest.GrossAmt*-1,ApTest.GrossAmt) AS ABSOLUTEGross FROM ApTest ORDER BY ApTest.VenNum, ApTest.GrossAmt; I tried this but I kept getting a Syntax error: I am using Access2000, think that...
  14. voidcranium

    SQL question - finding same number either + or -

    OK, do you mean to UNCHECK the SHOW box in Query Design window for the temp field?
  15. voidcranium

    SQL question - finding same number either + or -

    Yeah they sent 2 tables. One has the Vendor Number and Vendor Name while the other has the Vendor Number and all the rest of the data. What do you mean by uptick? "Also untick the AmtTemp field to hide it."
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