Recent content by WaldinTheAnalyst

  1. W

    Solved bible database

    Thanks a million 👍
  2. W

    Solved bible database

    Hi Majp...if it's possible I just wanted to find out what you done to make the chapter selection on my "books" form function and filter it only to display the selected book and chapter in my "verses" form.
  3. W

    passing values over to another form...Bible Database

    Thank you, I will delete then rebuild the form
  4. W

    passing values over to another form...Bible Database

    I've attached the correct version, are you able to assist me with this code please
  5. W

    passing values over to another form...Bible Database

    Hi please find attched correct version.
  6. W

    passing values over to another form...Bible Database

    Hi I've created a cross-reference (see also or related to) pop up form, which will allow users to display any verses that are linked to a specific verse as cross-references. For example, if Verse A mentions or has a thematic link to verse B, this relationship can be displayed and accessed...
  7. W

    Solved Bible Database Forms

    Thank you for the nice touch on the chapters selection combobox, ive found the inconsistencies in my data and yes it was in chapter_id and null values in verse_id...🤝
  8. W

    Solved Bible Database Forms

    Thank you after running queries and analyzing my data i have found the inconsistencies 🤝
  9. W

    Solved Bible Database Forms

    WOW!!! Okay I'm convinced that you have solved the problem, can you please in Leimans terms tell me how do I get my database to good functionality concerning this specific issue at hand. you have provided me with much insight above as to altering my table with explanations so much that it...
  10. W

    Solved Bible Database Forms

    I think you made sense when you said there are missing associations in my Data, so in my SQL workbench I ran the below queries on my data just to see what I could establish, please see my SQL comments & code in screenshots below. when i ran your inner join in mySQL worbench i recieved the same...
  11. W

    Solved Bible Database Forms

    Thing with the chapter table is that it holds: chapter_id PK auto incr Book_id chapter_number Now the chapter_id counts entry from 1 down to the last thousands and the chapter_number will restart at soon as a new book_id starts
  12. W

    Solved Bible Database Forms

    but something doesn't make sense to me if I am drawing data from the same My SQL Workbench be, and I've sought my data from the same dataset using the same tables how come does the first four columns data only pull through with this query in access?
  13. W

    Solved Bible Database Forms

    Thing with the chapter table is that it holds: chapter_id PK auto incr Book_id chapter_number Now the chapter_id counts entry from 1 down to the last thousands and the chapter_number will restart at soon as a new book_id starts the only solution I can think of is to add the "book_name" column...
  14. W

    Solved Bible Database Forms

    Wow 👍Let me do a quick analysis of my data
  15. W

    Solved Bible Database Forms

    so my million dollar question would be how do I fix this error in my data?
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