Recent content by willsnake

  1. W

    form with 2 subform

    the solution to my problem was a basic way of creating a form which is to include all table I need in the form instead of manually adding subform... Sorry for the bother... Thank you very much of your time...
  2. W

    form with 2 subform

    I will try all your suggestions... Thank you Very Much...
  3. W

    form with 2 subform

    I already tried this "[TblPOLot Subform].Form![POLotID]" But it also does not work... Any workaround for my problem? I am open for suggestion... I am very sorry for the bother...
  4. W

    form with 2 subform

    in my TblPurchaseRequest form, it somewhat works...
  5. W

    form with 2 subform

    Good day, I am here again seeking help. But before I post here, I have tried many times but failed... What I am trying to accomplish is that the form TblPurchaseOrderNEW will have 2 subform same as the form TblPurchaseRequest with the same function... I have set the relationships but when I...
  6. W

    Access 2016 setfocus

    I already did the Cycle property on current record on the main form since it is only where available, but it still does not work
  7. W

    Access 2016 setfocus

    Is my intention still possible even if its not a subform, but a subform control?
  8. W

    Access 2016 setfocus

    I am sorry, my post is wrong... It would be pressing TAB in subform control1(TblLot Subform) then setfocus will go to subform control2 (TblLotParticular Subform)? Because I can only find the Cycle Property in the Main Form. I am so sorry for the wrong descriptions...
  9. W

    Access 2016 setfocus

    I am sorry if I identified it wrong...
  10. W

    Access 2016 setfocus

    hi, there is no cycle property
  11. W

    Access 2016 setfocus

    good day experts, I am here again seeking guidance.. I am planning to use key command combination in MACRO Builder in Access 2019. I can't seem to find any in google or in this forum... I am using Macro Builder and use gotocontrol to navigate my setfocus to another subform after pressing TAB...
  12. W

    listbox, multiselect, append selected to subform datasheet

    yah... hahaha... And now back to encoding from start.... Thank you for the Big help...
  13. W

    listbox, multiselect, append selected to subform datasheet

    accidentally solved my PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!! Private Sub Command12_Click() Dim strSQL As String Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim ctl As Control Dim varItem As Variant On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Set db = CurrentDb()...
  14. W

    listbox, multiselect, append selected to subform datasheet

    in the navigation, I will press the NEW PO then the form TblPurchaseOrder will open as new record one of the combobox(LotNumber) has afterupdate event that will open the form with listbox after selecting the items, clicking the ADD button, it will close the form w/ listbox and populate the...
  15. W

    listbox, multiselect, append selected to subform datasheet

    Private Sub Command12_Click() Dim strSQL As String Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim ctl As Control Dim varItem As Variant On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Set db = CurrentDb() Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("TblPOParticular"...
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