Recent content by WojtekKowalski

  1. W

    Adjusting code for preventing "Jumping view" after requery

    Thank you for your insight. Unfortunately using this code, view is jumping after requery. What I understand by jumping - Let's say before requery record in the middle of the screen is selected, after requering the same record is selected, but unfortunately it's not anymore in the middle of the...
  2. W

    Adjusting code for preventing "Jumping view" after requery

    Hi:) I have code to prevent "jumping view" after requiring form, so that whenever I requery data, cursor, view and scrollbar stay in the same place. It works perfectly fine. Form: Continuous form with header. Code: Dim lngSelTopCurrentRecord As Long Dim lngRowsFromTop As Long Dim...
  3. W

    Filter for ADO Recordset bound to subform

    New data srouce=>From Database=>From Azure Database. That's the way I have linked sql view to my database. I used pass through queries in the past to use sql server stored procedures as far as I remember. So you mean I should create pass through query to this sql view? That would mean I need...
  4. W

    Filter for ADO Recordset bound to subform

    Yes it's slower. Whenever I scroll data then I have some lags. Probably it's because Ms Access constantly communicate itself with linked table on SQL Server. Once subform bases on Recordset then it is fast, because data are stored on memory not on external source I think
  5. W

    Filter for ADO Recordset bound to subform

    Hi:) I have one main form(place where I filter content in subform by comboboxes) and one subform(datasheet where data are being filtered). I have to work on data what come from sql server. I don't wont to use standard query based on linked tables as subform's Record Source, because it doesn't...
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