Recent content by wonko

  1. W

    Dynamic table, based on date varable

    I have a solution - albeit not the most elegant. Okay, so after a lot of experimenting, can't use the iif statement in a calculated field in the table etc. I added two new fields to the table: TaxYearEnding | Date/Time RentalYearEnding | Date/Time I then noticed the problem with the IIF...
  2. W

    Dynamic table, based on date varable

    Almost - they wanted - that I took to be a list for any tax year. Where as I want to go one step further and make a table/spreadsheet view to summarise the sum of the three fields - to, well, fill in the tax return but also have visibility, by Tax/Rental year situation as opposed to just the...
  3. W

    Dynamic table, based on date varable

    vba_php - Thanks for trying :-) MajP - 1. Thanks, in 'trying' to find a solution, I noticed several posts where problems occurred in the result because of the format used - hence my mentioning it but again - thanks :-) 2. Okay - don't read this thread :eek: showthread.php?t=232845 (not...
  4. W

    Dynamic table, based on date varable

    Many thanks, apologies for the length of the post, I seemed to want to convey a lot of information there. Tried the: GROUP BY IIf([PaymentDate]>CVDate("5/4/" & Year([PaymentDate])),Year([PaymentDate])+1,Year([PaymentDate])) ! message: The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.You may...
  5. W

    Dynamic table, based on date varable

    I'm new here so hope I landed in the right forum. I've a small Access db which I use to track financial activities for a house I rent out. here are the table [tRental] fields: pk ID AutoNumber *PaymentDate Date/Time * Renamed from Date - Thanks to MajP :o...
  6. W


    UK chap living in Netherlands. Some 25 years with Access which is, in my opinion, probably the most under-rated/utilised tool in the MS Office arsenal. Discovered SharePoint some 10 or so years ago and love that too as it's essentially (in my mind anyhow) MS Access on steroids. I'd consider...
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